Chapter Two

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Once I get to the cashier I request the necklace I originally wanted in the window to find out it's not long just been sold, less than a few minutes ago. F**k. Right, well now I'm going to make a swift exit. Not taking another look toward Nicholas' direction I head straight back to where my car was parked and plunge my hand into my purse, frantically searching for my keys. Yes! Yanking my keys out from my purse I unlock my car and was about to hop into the drivers seat when my ears perk up at the sound of a voice behind me. His voice.

"Where are you going, Juliet?" I can practically hear the smirk on his face, his voice is husky.

I don't turn around, I refuse to.

"I don't want to talk to you right now, I'm busy." I simply lie, wanting to get this encounter over with as soon as possible.

Climbing into my drivers seat, I muster up the courage to look at him.

Which, let me tell you now, was a huge mistake. If I wasn't sat down right now my legs would've buckled and made me look like a complete idiot.

He was so close. Less than three meters away.

"Leave me alone Nick, please..." I whisper but my voice hitched at the 'please'.

"No." he clears his throat.

My eyes drop down to look at my fingers fumbling my keys around. I can't keep my emotions in if I look at him, I haven't seen him since the divorce, it's been such a long time that I've not even had a second thought that we would possibly even ever see eachother again. I haven't prepared myself for this. I seem to come underprepared for everything. Mentally punching myself I decide to leave before I lose myself. Shutting my door I start the engine, in the corner of my eye I see Nick walk toward the car but I don't look directly at him. He bends down to pick something up and that's when I do turn around, he has my phone, I must have dropped it in my panicked state.

Pulling out his own phone, he swipes left on mine and takes a picture of his phone screen before motioning for me to open my window. Which I do, only slightly which is enough for him to slide my phone through.

Slipping my phone through the gap, I slowly take it from him ever so carefully so I don't break it. Once it's fully though and back in my possession I put it on the passenger seat and drive away, not giving him a second look.


Arriving home, I unload my bags and take them into my bedroom to hang up in my closet. The remaining bags had other bits such as face masks, make up, wipes, shoes etcetera. I put all of those away separately. My coffee machine catches my eye and I rub my hands together excitedly before switching it on and getting a cup out ready.

My phone pings. It's Kyle.

'You bet girly!x'

I respond,
'Boy oh boy, do I have tea for you!!'

He gets back to me quickly,
'I can't wait! I'll be there around seven sexy lady'

I chuckle at the 'sexy lady' comment when I stop abruptly, remembering that Nick had taken a picture on my phone. I go onto the photos app and look at the most recent picture taken and it's a contact. His number. I don't think that's a good idea, especially not now. He was just with Kiera for f**ks sake. I'm not a homewrecker despite what he thinks of me.

Making myself a coffee, I plod into my livingroom to my giant bean bag puffee, directly in front of the fireplace I sit down with a book. Fifty Shades Freed, my last book before I've read every single one on my shelf. I had planned to purchase more in town today but with the events that took place I had forgotten.

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