2. (re vamped)

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anna's P.O.V

later in the day, I was sitting in my car eating lunch when I heard a gentle knock on the window, it was Margot, my neighbour, well she was my neighbour, until just recently. when my dad died he left me an apartment he'd been renting out for some time and our house. both were fully paid off but I couldn't stand living in my childhood home anymore. too many memories. Ive decided to sell the house and move my things into the apartment. keeping a few things of my dads. my family is a bit of a complicated story, my birth parents were drug addicts. when I was 5 my birth dad over dosed and after the investigation by police was over, I was immediately placed into foster care. I was 7 when my mom and dad adopted me. they were originally my foster parents but I guess I was just the perfect fit. 

my mom died in a drunk driving accident when I was 10. and now I'm 17, my dad just died a few weeks ago, he died in his sleep. we don't exactly know what happened yet. ill never forget the way my stomach dropped when I found him. I made him breakfast, which I dont do often, I was just feeling generous that morning. I brought in a tray with his favourite breakfast foods. I placed the tray on his night stand and shook hum gently to try and wake him up, nothing. 

so yeah, complicated but anyway, back to Margot.

her family has lived next door to me since we were little, about 8ish. we used to be best friends but, high school. we just kinda grew apart but we're definitely still good friends.

"I was gonna come help unpack but I figured we could use some help, is it okay if I invite a few close family friends?" Margot asked

"sure, just maybe 1 or 2 people please. I'm not really up for people right now" I reply

"no problem, see you after school" Margot said before walking away. 

(Later on)

as I bring the last box toward the front door, I hear the door code being entered, followed by the door unlocking.

the door pens to reveal, Margot, Grayson Dolan and Ethan Dolan. 

great. Ethans a fuck boy and Graysons a stoner. I'm not one to judge I just don't know how to act around people who are like that. 

Margot gives me a hug 

and then introduces us all, 

"boys, this is Anna, and Anna this is Grayson and Ethan" 

I shook Ethans hand and offered Grayson a small smile which of course, he didn't return. 

after about an hour of moving boxes into Grayson and Ethans truck, we finally brought them over to the apartment, we did this a few times before all of my stuff was out of the house. the rest was for the movers to deal with, I said goodbye to my childhood bedroom and my dads bedroom, followed by a few tears. 

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