Part 3 (revamped)

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as we grew more and more fatigued we got lazy. we did get a lot done. almost half of my apartment was all done in one day. 

"I have some drinks in the fridge if you guys are ready to unwind?" I suggested.

"Woah, I guess innocent Anna isn't so innocent" Ethan said

I watched as Margot nudged him to stop it, and he chuckled. 

"where'd you get alcohol anyway?" Margot asked, following me around the kitchen island and toward the fridge. 

"It's left over from a party we went to a while ago" I answered

"Emma's party?" Margot asked

I nodded 

"Feels so long ago" said Margot 

"Yeah" I said as the flashbacks rushed into my head. 

Margot and I worked together to open 4 drinks and brought them to the guys who were sitting on the couch, a mere 15 feet away.

" thank you Anna" Ethan said after I handed him a drink, Grayson just offered a smile.

We sat on the couch together with a tv show playing in the background. we spent the night getting to know each other. around midnight, Ethan, Margot and I were talking amongst ourselves. Grayson was so quiet and ignorant. he was just sitting there on his phone. not a single bit of interest from him the whole conversation. it was slightly awkward at first but over time you'd just kinda forgot he was there. 

"Anna, you're genuinely gorgeous, you know that?" Ethan said, offering a smirk. This confused me, we went from talking about our childhoods to this. 

"Fuck off Ethan" Grayson said in a lower voice than usual. He was angry. God knows why.

"Jesus, someone needs to get laid" Ethan said, getting up to recycle his bottle and grab another drink.

"Don't start right now" Grayson said rudely, not looking up from his phone.

"Grayson, I hope you feel you don't have to be here. You're welcome to go home at any time" I said.

"I'm fine." He said before taking a sip of his drink.

A few silent, awkward seconds pass.

"Hey, Anna, can I spend the night? I can't drive after  having a few drinks." Margot asked.

"Of course. You guys are also welcome to stay the night. I'll unpack some extra bedding and get everyone set up if needed" I offer

"Thanks, Anna, I'm sorry, I didn't think that one through" Ethan said with a chuckle

"Ethan, don't. I"ll drive us home," Grayson says in a low voice, again.

"It's not inconvenient in any way, whatever you're comfortable with individually" I add

"Gray, you smoked like a half hour ago, you're not good to drive yet, and I've had a couple of drinks, we'll just stay" Ethan said. 

I knew how Ethan was, he wasn't this nice, ever. It was slightly uncomfortable but it could just be an act while we're at school, maybe he's not a douche. Grayson on the other hand, somethings definitely up with him. 

Grayson sighed. 

"ill start unpacking the bedding, you've done enough today, do you mind coming to help E?" Margot asked.

Ethan nodded and headed to my storage room with Margot.

Once they left Grayson finally spoke.

"My brother is trying to get into your pants. Don't fall for his bullshit" Grayson said, still looking down at his phone. 

"I'm sure it's not like that Grayson"

"I know him, and I believe I know you. just don't do it." he said

that pissed me off.

"how would you know me, Grayson? you're balls deep into some chick every other weekend probably telling her the exact same bullshit. Is this some kind of fucked up technique you have to get your needs met?" I said, raising my voice slightly.

"Relax, my brother, will hurt you, he's no good for you; You'll only get hurt." Grayson says, finally looking up at me.

He looks hurt like something happened. It's not my business but I couldn't help but wonder why Grayson looked so pained while Ethan was all bright and outgoing. 

"Whatever Grayson, why don't you just mind your own business? Maybe I'm trying to get with your brother too." I said, irritated, before getting up to walk away and help Margot and Ethan. 

I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me down, not super rough just enough for me to get that he wanted me to sit down. I sat right next to him, our legs touching, we were far closer than before.

"What Grayson?" I ask getting really pissy.

"Do not sleep with my brother" He said, his grip still firm on my wrist. His were eyes even darker than before.

"You don't control me" I said, standing up and ripping my wrist from his grip. 

I went to help Margot and Ethan

I stormed down the hallway and could hear Grayson walking right behind me. 

I walked into the storage room to find Margot and Ethan making out.

Grayson clears his throat and that makes their heads snap toward us and their hands back to themselves. 

"Do you guys wanna take the living room? The couch can be made into a bed." I suggest to Ethan and Grayson.

"Sure but what about Grayson?" Margot adds, clearly misunderstanding what I meant. 

"Gray will sleep on the floor it's fine." Ethan adds, playing with Margot's hair, the bulge in his pants is more evident than ever. 

"He will not sleep on the floor. I'll figure it out" I add. 

"Okay well I'm exhausted, I'll see you two in the morning" Margot says arms full of bedding, grabbing Ethans' hand in her free hand and practically racing to go have sex with him on my couch. 

I grabbed the air mattress from the same box and lead Grayson to my bedroom. That was my last resort. The storage room was basically a small closet. I may not be on the best terms with Grayson but that'd just be petty.

I blow up the air mattress on my floor and have Grayson hand me a few pillows and a blanket. 

once fully inflated I crawl in and start to get cozy with Grayson staring at me with a confused look on his face. 

"what are you doing?" Grayson asked, back in his normal voice.

"going to bed?" I state the obvious.

"you're funny. Get in your bed." he says, straight-faced. if I wasn't already irritated with him id probably be intimidated. 

"Grayson just go to bed please, you can have my bed for the night." I say, turning away from him. 

I feel the air mattress sink.

"Grayson ple-" I begin before being interrupted by a huge pop. Grayson and I are flat on the ground. 


"I was trying to" Grayson begins before I interrupt. 

"Yes Grayson, I know what you were trying to do. Just stop it. I'm not interested!" I yelled again.

"That's not what I meant it to seem like" he said seeming frustrated

"Well Grayson, that is what it seems like. just go to bed!" I say putting all the pillows and the blanket back onto my bed.

"Where?" he asked back to his usual pissy face.

"In the bed, but if you touch me at all, swear to god you can walk home," I stated

"Trust me, you have nothing to worry about" Grayson scoffs. like I'm some unattractive being that he wouldn't think about touching in the first place. 

Game on Dolan. Game on.

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