Chapter 15

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'I woke and he was gone.' says Lucy, still crying. Jasper and Jackson start crawling over to her, confused at the sound, most probably. 'Aww, they're crawling!' she says. Leo suddenly said 'Mumma, dwink.'. 'He talks? Aww!' i say, taking her mind of it. She passes him a cup of milk. 'No longer breast-feeding him then?' i ask. 'No, we're also potty training him!' she says proudly.

It turns from 'small-talk-only awkwardness' to a 'we-just-killed-somebody' when the men get here. Lucy stays in the playpen as i offer to get the door. Kun goes straight through, leaving Samir to raise his eyebrows. 'Nothing, just tired, apparently.' i lie.

He clearly doesn't believe me, but he doesn't ask again. As we walk through to the other room, we see Kun and Lucy playing with the kids, laughing. Lucy's eyes are obviously red and puffy, but nobody questions her.

By the time we have to go, Lucy looks at me with with pleading eyes, as if to say 'Don't go.'. I have to, though. I pick up Jasper and Kun picks up Jackson. We buckle them in and drive away.

'So what's with Lucy? I could tell she'd been crying.' asks Kun. 'She got drunk, slept with Edin.' Shock. 'She's pregnant, and she dosen't know whose it is.' i say. 'Where was Samir at the time?' he questions. 'She couldn't find him, she went to his bedroom and found Edin.'. I reply.

Now I think of it, where was Samir at the time? As we go inside, i ring him. 'She told me everything.' he says, obviously been crying. 'I'm sorry, she made me not tell you.' I reply. 'What do you want?' he grunts.

'Where were you that night? When she was looking for you?' i ask. Silence. I check to see if he has hung up, but the call is still active. 'I was watching Leo.' he replies. 'Don't lie to me.'. I accuse. 'FINE, I was buying her a gift, it was the anniversary of when we first met. Tell her if you want, i don't care.' he mutters. BEEP, no connection.

'He was getting her an aniversary present, apparently.' i say. 'Oh well thats good.' Kun replies.

Changing the subject, 'So this honeymoon...' i start. 'Let's put these two to bed first.' he sugests, handing me Jasper. Picking up Jackson, he sings the same lullaby.

'Sleep, baby, sleep,
Your father tends the sheep,
Your mother shakes the dreamland tree
,And from it fall sweet dreams for thee,
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Sleep, baby, sleep,

Sleep, baby, sleep,
Our cottage vale is deep,
The little lamb is on the green,
With snowy fleece so soft and clean,
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Sleep, baby, sleep.', he sings.

When he is done, he sweeps me off my feet and carries me through to the bedroom. He sits at the end of the bed and runs his hand up and down my back. 'You will need a bikini.' he says, looking into my eyes.

I adjust my leg so i am wrapped around him. 'What else will i need?' i ask. He laughs. 'Sunglasses.'. I push him onto the bed and kiss hise face. 'What country is it?' i ask. 'Im not tel-' I crush my lips against his and ask again. 'I surrender. We are going to Barbados.'. he replies.

'Thank you.' i say. I kiss him and begin unbuttoning his shirt. He keeps his hands at my waist. 'I love you.' He whispers. 'I love you more.' I say. 'Impossible.' he replies.


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