Chapter 36

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I throw the pen into the draw and smile. Done. No more writing. My will is finished and faxed.

'To Sergio, i leave 75% of my money, and my love.

To Jackson, i leave 10% of my money, and my love.

To Jasper, i leave 10% of my money, and my love.

To Lucy, i leave all of my clothes, make-up and jewelry.

To Samir, i leave a bag of shells we collected at a beach once.

To Leo, i leave 5% of my money.

Sergio may decide on what to do with the rest of my belongings.'.

It's rough, but it gets the point across. 'Haley? Are you finished in the shower yet? You've been a while.' he calls. How did he not hear me crying? Or is he being the strong one? 'Yep, now coming down!' i reply, changing into my pyjamas.

It isn't until i'm halfway down the stairs until i notice what pyjama's i'm wearing. It'swhite, complementing my tanned skin tone, and barely covers anything. By anything, i mean that it straps around my top half, and diagonly wraps around my bottom half.

I'm about to turn around to get a dressing gown when he appears out of nowhere, smiling. 'Hungry?' he asks. I nod and leap into his arms. He carries me into the living room, where the twins are sit watching Peppa Pig.

I sit on the sofa, pull my desk towards me and begin eating. It's spaghetti bolognese, without the bolognese. I just have spaghetti and mustard. It takes five episodes of Peppa Pig to finish my meal, although Sergio was finished in three.

'You want dessert?' i ask, taking his plate and walking into the kitchen. 'I'll have what you're having.' he replies. I decide to make 'eaton mess' or what ever it's called. It's the only thing i can make.

After slicing some strawberrys and meringues, i shove it all in two bowls and squirt cream on the top. I top mine with chocolate sauce and Kun's with strawberry sauce. I grab two spoons and walk in the other rooms to see the twins missing, and him sprawled against the sofa.

'Just put them to bed.' he says, answering my confused look. I pass him his bowl and sit by his legs. I don't know why, but he won't stop smiling. Is it supposed to be couragous? Fearless? I scoop the last mouthful into my mouth and place the bowl on the table.

I see he is finished, yet still smiling at me. 'What you smiling at?' i finally ask. 'You.' he replies quietly. I crawl ontop of him, laying in his arms is one of the only things that makes me forget.

He holds me tight, as if he never wants to let go. In one quick motion, i'm facing him and staring into his eyes. I could stay like this forever. As if the moment wasn't perfect enough already, he pulls me in for a kiss.

We get so lost in the kiss, we fall off of the sofa and roll over on the warm, cozy carpet. Once we realise we're on the floor, we both stand up and continue kissing. We head towards our bedroom, stumbling over toys on the way.

By the time we've reached the top of the stairs, Sergio is in his pants and i'm wearing nothing. We somehow find our way to our bedroom. I break the kiss for air. I let his hand go as i pant, wiping off the sweat.

We walk towards the bed and he jumps onto it, leaving me panting by the bedpost. I turn to him, still breathing heavily, and see his face grow concerned.

That's when i collapse onto the floor.

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