Chapter 6

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"..." Harry just stares at me then nervously looks to the floor "it was a joke" what the frick hairy you threw out my birth control so not much of a joke
"Harry I thought u loved me ? "
"I do, why else would I beat u up everyday?" He has a point I guess.
"Then why aren't you happy? You should want a family with me.." I am so upset at him I thought we were lovers :(
"Well... the thing is if I'm a dad then the rest of the 1d guys will be jealous and I'll ... i can't even comprehend this... " Harry paused to wipe the tear from his face "leave the band"
"Woah, this can't be real, one direction must go on. I'll get rid of quadruplets"
"No it's fine I love you so I'll leave the band to father our babies" harry said while struggling to hold back his tears because he doesn't want to disappoint the directioners and leave 1D.
"Harry please stay in 1D I can put the babies up for adoption, they will sell like crazy and we'll be rich! Everyone wants to have your babies. " woah flashback to when I was put up for adoption aha that was a wild time I bet my mom would be ground me for teen pregnancy and hey maybe me and her would be on dr Phil lol too bad for her she will never as famous as me having multiple children with Harry.
"No I love you and my babies, I'll tell everyone I'm leaving right now" Harry said while walking to the door

Almost done

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