Chapter 7

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"wait harry! stay..." i said before he turn around, dramatically flipped his hair and starred into my orbs at the other side of the room. "i have an idea" i told him.

"what is it?" he asked as he sat beside me 

"i will join one direction" i said hesitantly but as big time rush once said

 'Make it count,

Play it straight.
Don't look back,
Don't hesitate.

When you go big time.'

i will soon go big time (hopefully) with harry and the rest of the 1d gang, and i won't hesitate.

"i know what youre thinking......." said harry


"youre thinking about big time rush"(harry loves btr)

" harry (my one true love)  you need to except the fact that i am joining one direction before my water breaks."  after that harry left. he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

3:00 AM - my eyelids sprung open. i think i'm getting possessed. wait no im in labour. well i guess abortion isn't an option anymore, i just need to get to the hospital and push this child out. i ask the driver to take a quick stop at the hospital.

"you cant tell me what to do" he says. 

ugh. i push him out of the window and drive myself. 

by the time we get there the one 'd'ers are all awake and take me inside except harry, he was most likely having a mental breakdown in the bathroom. relatable. 

"lay down on the bed" says the doctor

"are we gonna do the dirty?" seriously?? while im pregnant and in a relationship???

"you will have to start pushing soon." 


after a while it gets real painful but harry still isnt here. i forget about giving birth  and stand up to go find harry. i look in all the washrooms and i cannot find him until i enter the last room of the hallway. harry is doing it with someone else. seriously harry what the frick! i thought he loved me. i run away and go to the rooftop and pass out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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