Let The Author

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Let the pen

scribble across the page.

Let the mind

wander to another place. 

A place where the words

grow on bushes 

and bloom from trees. 

They unfold lightly within all the breeze. 

The words are a sprinkle of joy 

and fill a pool. 

They change the world 

and are used as tools. 

Let the writer dream, 

a land with words that are free.

They fly,

they run

and they hide. 

Let the author breath,

the words just consume him within.

They take on the scent of 

a donut

of pizza

or your favorite food. 

Just so you enjoy its hue. 

Let the author eat,

eating all the words. 

They spill out of his mouth 

and onto the page. 

The ink seeps into the paper

and then you read 

it sinks into the mind of a reader. 

Let the author imagine. 

The words just come from 

imagination and were written on a page.

The page once blank

is now filled with words. 

Some we are afraid to say,

others just an imatation of our lives.

Let the author speak,

not with his voice but with his words,

they cut deep into your soul 

and stay stuck there 

waiting to be unleshshed by you. 

Let The Author.

I Want to Imagine...Where stories live. Discover now