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"...fainted after her blind date?"

"Really? Oh, poor Lizzy..."

Familiar, feminine voices drifted into Elizabeth's ear as she slowly regained consciousness. How did I get here? Wasn't I at the Greenwood Fish Market just now?

As she pushed herself up to a sitting position, the two beloved people in her world quickly rushed to her side and supported her arms.

"Lizzy, are you feeling better now?"

"Liz, you are such a ditz. Imagine fainting after a blind date! How embarrassing that must have been!"

Obviously the first was said by Elizabeth's older sister, Jane. She was the epitome of sugar, spice and everything nice. On the other hand, Charlotte Lucas was a completely different story. Charlotte was Elizabeth's oldest friend (as far as she can remember) and they had met in ballet class when they were only little girls.

Back then, they became friends solely on the fact that only the two of them were unable to do a spilt in the entire class. Ever since the two of them realised that they had more in common apart from their inflexibility. Even after both of them quitted ballet together, they still remained in contact and became a very contrasting pair of best friends. Charlotte was calm, organised and responsible. She always knew what she was doing and what she wanted to do, much like a Capricorn. Whereas Lizzy was, well, always a ditz as Charlotte said. Elizabeth works on impulse and usually requires on Mama Charlotte to check on her.

Notwithstanding the fact that Charlotte loves to use her so-called maturity to scold Liz whenever she messes up, very much like in the current situation.

"Oh shut up, Charlotte. You have no idea what I went through." Elizabeth crossed her arms in defence. Actually, what did I went through? I cannot even recall what had occurred at the Greenwood Fish Market ...

"Lizzy, stop tiring your brain. You should rest first." Jane's warm hand encircled Elizabeth's and gave it a comforting squeeze. Jane already knew all her sister's expressions, whether it be annoyed, enraged, disappointed or depressed. Elizabeth wore her heart on her sleeve and Jane could easily tell that her sister was deep in thought once again.

Elizabeth smiled gratefully at Jane and asked, "Jane, do you know what had happened at the Greenwood Fish Market?"

"Greenwood Fish Market? I'm sorry I don't even know where that is, Lizzy."

"It's the place where she had her blind date and embarrassed herself in front of about a hundred people," Charlotte interjected with a smirk.

"You went on a blind date?!" Jane exclaimed as Elizabeth leaned forward to smack Charlotte on the shoulder. I regret telling Charlotte about the blind date. I regret everything.

"Yes, my dear sister. Never thought you would live to see the day right? I was forced into this by mum anyway. It was not my idea, get it?" Elizabeth said grumpily. Why is everyone making such a big fuss over that one blind date? Jane nodded understandingly and explained that she had no involvement in any of her mother's matchmaking plans.

"Enough about me, now, tell me about your life, Jane. What's going on in your life? How is Bingley?"

"Oh! Bingley is an amazing guy. You know he..." Jane's eyes lit up and she started gesticulating while describing what Bingley did for her during the recent Valentines' day in vivid detail. Guess where Elizabeth was? Watching anime at home with Charlotte! Don't worry though, love was totally in the air. They had ordered their one true love, Chinese takeout and had the entire couch to themselves. What could be a better way to spend Valentines'? When this bit of information was shared with Jane, she shook her head in mock disapproval.

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