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What do I do? What do I do?

"Miss Bennet, are you okay?" The dreaded voice came through the door again. No, I cannot go out and see that obnoxious face. I must do something to change my appearance somehow...

Looking around the room, Elizabeth noticed a small chest tucked neatly beside the wardrobe, hidden out of sight from unobservant eyes. Elizabeth rushed to the chest and fiddled with the intimidating lock. Click! The lock suddenly fell open to the ground and Elizabeth heaved a sigh of relief. Thank god the owner forgot to lock this chest properly! Elizabeth peeled open the heavy cover and covered her mouth with her hand.

There was at least a dozen of gowns in there! Even ribbons and wigs! I know what to do now...

"Give me a moment please!" Elizabeth shouted towards the door as she quickly changed her gown to one with much more lace and put on a blonde, curly wig. There! Now no one will recognise me in this!

After stuffing the rest of the gowns back into the chest and gently locking it back, Elizabeth proceeded to open the door. The wide smile on the man's face glowed for a moment before it was replaced with a confused frown.

"Sorry, there is no Miss Bennet in here. You must have gotten the wrong person." Elizabeth spoke in a slightly higher voice, hoping it would fool him.

"Oh! I see... I am very sorry...I better take my leave now..." Elizabeth watched in half disgust and half amusement as the man stammered out a few words and left hastily. Ugh, I can't believe I had to meet my disgusting ex here. How did he even get in? I'm gonna kill Charlotte for inviting him here.

William Collins was not a slimy man. He did not have perverted thoughts or weird obsessions with inappropriate content. Instead, he was addicted to being overly-righteous, if that can be called an addiction. Being a clergyman, he played the part of upholding all moral values at all times. Watching him crash into a waiter, Elizabeth groaned and recollected flashbacks of the times they actually tried dating.

Our first date was one year ago. At least Mr Darcy had the decency to book a classy restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Guess what William Collins did? The address he sent me was the location of his house. That was a massive disappointment. And a foreboding of what was going to happen for the rest of the 'date'. I guess I should give William some credit for whipping out a reasonably-appetising plate of lasagna for me... But dinner was awkward. He was constantly educating me of church practices and explaining every single damn detail like I was a newborn baby, wishing to join the church already. I tried to change the conversation to something more general like work or hobbies, but no! He simply ignored my question and returned to his topic of interest.

After dinner was even worse. Since we had nothing to occupy us, he sat me down in the living room and read out some Bible verses for me. I wanted to tear my hair out! No way am I going to let this crazy church-worshipping guy ruin my first relationship! I tried to look for other things to do, but of course, he did not own a television or any entertainment of sorts. I suppose he constantly rereads the Bible whenever he is free. After around ten minutes of torture, I feigned a stomachache and excused myself to the bathroom.

"Save me, Charlotte! I am trapped in a madhouse!" In the bathroom, I whipped out my phone and shared my current location with Charlotte. I received an instant reply.

"Coming Liz. Stay alive for ten more minutes." I am saved! I am liberated! I almost entered the living room grinning but I contorted my face into a painful expression and clutched my stomach right before walking in.

"Miss Elizabeth, are you alright? Do you need some painkillers?" William exclaimed as he dropped the Bible in his hands to the ground.

"It's okay... I just to rest for a while... Would I be okay if I go home already? I have some medicine at home..." I whispered as I rested on the couch.

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