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One week flew past quickly as Elizabeth slowly become more accustomed to working for Darcy and sometimes Tommy without much grumbling. One evening, when she was having dinner in the cafeteria with Darcy, he suddenly sprang a question on her.

"What do you say to join us for a little trip, Miss Bennet?"

"You mean like a road trip? Sounds fun but I need to go home and pack my stuff first."

"You are not allowed to leave this place, but you can call your mother to bring your stuff here tomorrow."

"Huh? Oh right, you don't trust me. Okay then, I will call her after dinner."

Finally, Elizabeth had something in her life to look forward to. These years, her life has been pretty dull, spending time doing the same things with the same people. Maybe she could meet some new people, see some new sights on the trip! She excitedly called her mother, ready to rattle out her list of belongings to be packed for the trip.

"Hey, Mum! Elizabeth here! I was calling-"

"Oh, my most beloved second daughter! You cannot believe how happy I am for you right now! I was so worried that you would never get a husband and now you have the right opportunity to strike!" Mrs Bennet blabbered on as soon as she heard Elizabeth's voice.

"Wait, Mum, I am only working for Mr Darcy, not proposing to him. Anyway, Mr Darcy invited me on a trip so could you please help me-"

"Yes, yes, yes! Anything for my most beloved daughter! I am so filled with happiness right now I can barely talk! Just message me whatever help you need okay, bye!" With that, Mrs Bennet immediately hung up the phone on her daughter. Elizabeth sighed. It was bad enough that she was stuck with Mr Darcy, now even her mother had expectations for their relationship. Whatever, I am going to enjoy myself on this trip no matter what!

The next day, Elizabeth woke up early in the morning just to collect her luggage from her mother at the security office. Seeing her mother talking to Grey, Elizabeth knew this was going to get interesting and hid behind a tree to eavesdrop.

"Oh hello, handsome! I was just wondering if you could allow me to pass these things to my daughter inside? She is so lazy she cannot even be bothered to come out herself." At this, Elizabeth rolled her eyes but remained silent.

"Hm? Who's your daughter?" Grey's complete indifference towards Mrs Bennet's compliment immediately made her frown. Mrs Bennet placed her hands on his hips and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Excuse me, Sir. You have no permission to ask me about my personal affairs. All you need to know is that I am here to pass my daughter her things. You should really learn how to respect your elders."

Instead of getting irritated with my mother, Grey shot her a lazy smile and replied with the same nonchalance in his voice.

"Oh well! Since you will not tell me who your daughter is, then I am afraid I cannot help you. Good day to you, lady! And you should be less shameless when talking to youngsters."

Grey then leaned back on his chair and pulled the shutters down over the counter of the security post.

"Wait, wait! You cannot treat me like this! You rude hooligan! Open this right this moment!" Seeing her mother making a ruckus, Elizabeth decided to save Grey.

"What in the world are you doing, Mum? You are embarrassing me, you know." Elizabeth pretended to look gravely disappointed as she walked over.

"Oh hello, Lizzie! Finally, you are here! It's not my fault, it's this annoying guy hiding here!" Mrs Bennet exclaimed indignantly and banged on the shutters for good measure. Shaking her head, Elizabeth smirked and knocked on the shutters gently.

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