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• Michael •

'Michael wake up!', the voice of my mum called from downstairs. Great. I nuzzled my head into my pillow, attempting to fall asleep again and hoping that my mum would leave me alone. 'Michael get up!', she yelled, now louder. I guess this wasn't going to be a good day.

I pulled the covers off me and tried to stand up, but I was still too sleepy to get up well so it looked like I could pass out at any moment. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to make my vision less blurry but it didn't help and I almost tripped over my own feet. I was just too damn tired.

When I was finally able to stand up properly I walked towards my closet and I grabbed a shirt and some ripped jeans; the first things I saw when I had opened my closet. I didn't care If I looked bad, I actually didn't care about anything. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, pulled my clothes on and fixed my light green hair. When I was ready I turned the lights off in the bathroom and walked downstairs.

'Be nice and behave today Michael', my mom said before she grabbed her keys and closed the door. This was always the same, every morning my mum would go to her work early and I was alone from seven am until she came back, which could vary from day to day. Some days she would come home at five and other days I had to go to the pizza restaurant down the street because she would come home around ten in the evening.

I sighed and grabbed the box of cereal out of the kitchen cabinet. I took a bowl to put it in, then I opened the fridge to take the orange juice and I poured it in a glass. I placed my breakfast on the kitchen table and started to eat whilst I took my phone out of my pocket to check my notifications. When I was done it was already seven thirty so I decided to go upstairs and brush my teeth, since school started in half an hour. I still had to walk fifteen minutes until I would arrive at my new school - yes, new school.

My mum had decided that it would be a nice change to move to almost the other end of the country. I didn't care too much, I was happy that we moved to this place, the people at my first school always called me things like 'freak' and 'weirdo'. They had hurt me with their disgusting words, but I'd never admit it.

When I was ready I grabbed my keys and put my shoes on. I chose a jacket to wear, opened the door of my house, walked outside and then I locked it. I was so excited for my first day of school... if you note my sarcasm. I walked a few more minutes until I arrived at the school building. It kind of looked like my previous school, maybe a little bit more modern.

When I walked in the hallway, I already heard the usual people whispering. I sighed and walked further, if they thought that I cared they thought wrong. Usually they would make comments about my hair. They thought it was funny that a boy dyed his hair in various colors, but it's my way of saying that I don't care about what they think of me.

The principal had told me and my mum that there was a strictly anti-bullying policy here, but isn't that something what every school says? In my previous school they also had an anti-bullying policy, but in the end the bullied person has to change schools and the bully stays. They say 'we can't do anything' but they actually can do something. The only solution is to send the bully out of the school but that's something 'way too exaggerated'. I was not the only person who got bullied, because they aren't satisfied with one victim.

They had told me that I needed to go to the principal's office first to discuss a few things. I already knew that I would be half asleep, but he had to make it quick because I only had ten minutes left until I had my first class.

I knocked two times on the door before the principal said 'you can come in'. I walked over to his desk and I took a seat. He started by saying the school rules, my classes and also that there would be someone who would show me the most important places in the school. Awesome. With a final 'good luck, Mitchell!' (I wanted to correct him but I was too tired) I could go to my first class: English. Great, just great. Because English was definitely the first class I wanted to have on a Monday morning.

The bell rang when I was in the hallway and various people were on their way to their classes. I still felt a few gazes of some other students on my hair but whatever. I already knew that I was fabulous, of course.

'Watch where you're going, freak!', I heard a voice hiss. I had accidentally bumped into someone, and it looked like that person wasn't the most friendly one on earth. I looked up and saw piercing blue eyes, full of disgust.

'Leave me alone will you?', I hissed and walked towards the classroom. But apparently this wasn't my lucky day, because the kid followed me. Suddenly I felt two strong arms pushing me against the lockers. 'You don't talk to me like that, weirdo', he yelled, causing people to look at us. I stared for a moment into his blue eyes but then I was snapped out of my daze when he let my arms fall and then left me stunned against the lockers. He couldn't resist to mutter an almost silent 'freak' before he walked into my classroom, but I couldn't care less.

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A/n: Edited (10/08/15)
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X Julie

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