An Introduction in Four Parts

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Charlottetown was bustling with noon day energy. The buzz of gossip flew through the air. But one piece of gossip lingered on the lips more than others - the outcome of the case involving a man named Jonesey. That particular gossip flitted its way up through the country side and landed in the newspaper that Rachel perused before flying off to Marilla's.

"Marilla! Marilla!"

The aforementioned woman quietly came to the door and prepared to accept and deflect what ever gossip her life long friend felt was necessary to deliver. Rachel herself did not stop even to take a breath. "That monster is out! I can't believe he was found innocent."

"Who Rachel?"

"Why that devil of a man who boarded up with you last winter." Rachel waved around the paper wildly before Marilla snapped up the paper and flattened the creases. Quickly skimming the article it became clear that their worst fears were found to be true. Some how the conman had done it again. He claimed to not have been a part of the conspiracy, that the other man framed him. While Marilla was disappointed that the jury could have been taken in by his charm and whit, what happened had happened, and nothing could be undone.

Rachel suddenly noticed the lack of feet flying through the rooms and the voice that constantly chatted even when it seemed that all the words in the world had been exhausted. "How do you think Anne will react when she hears the news?"

"I imagine she won't be particularly happy." Marilla continued to knead the dough of the bread she was preparing to bake.

"Where is Anne?"

"She's out in Charlottetown visiting Diana's Aunt Josephine again. She'll come back with a million tales that's for sure. Last time she was only away for a day or two and she came back with enough stories that she told a different one every night for a month."

"Girl's imagination has a way of going and running away with her."

"Certainly, but I've grown accustomed to it and I quite like it now."

Rachel sipped at a cup of tea. "Be sure to tell me the most interesting ones won't you?"

"Of course." The two shared a smile that passes through time without being fully explained like true friendship. It exists and it goes between two people as a language all its own.


Diana was awoken by a gentle humming. In her own home back in Avonlea this was such an uncalled for and unusual sound that it startled her right out of her head and she nearly flew up out of the bed.

As she quickly looked around the room she spotted the source of the sound, and her heart slowed down to a normal beat. She was in Charlottetown and Anne was of course greeting the day in the kind of way only she could - with a song that filled her up so much it spilled out into the world.

"What are you humming?" Diana's voice was gentle but Anne turned with a start.

"Oh Diana I am ever so sorry for waking you up if you didn't mean it. I was just thinking about the day - doesn't this look like a beautiful day - the kind where magical and monumental things happen - the kind on which anything is possible."

Diana looked out the window, the sun was shining and the trees stood as tall and beautiful sentries out in the yard. Yes today did in fact look like a beautiful day. "What do you want to do first?"

"I thought maybe we could go into town ... you know see if anything catches our eye for a story. I've also been told that coffee shops make for an excellent space of writing."

"Wouldn't you get distracted by all the noise?"

"Maybe so, but then again what if someone walked by and said the absolute most perfect sentence, a sentence so eloquent that I could never had dreamed up such a similar phrase even if I had tried for a million years. I would die for that kind of inspiration."

Diana sighed, pushed the blankets back and away from herself. "Then I guess we must go at once to the cafe."

Anne's grin split her face open and the joy she found in everything poured out. "Yes we must." 


Bash needed help with a few things back in Charlottetown. So, of course he said he would come over and help. It might be summer and school might be out of session until after the harvesting season, but Gilbert couldn't study all day every day. Even the good Lord rested on the seventh day. So, he might as well put his hands to good use and help his friend/brother with the home he currently shared with his wife.

Stepping off the train he smelled the familiar odor of the town, and for a moment wondered if there was ever a place better suited for living than the country side. Avonlea greeted him with the perfume of the grasses and the promise of a world open wide. Charlottetown had the odor of horse dung and the limited range provided through gaps between buildings.

So ... maybe big towns weren't his favorite thing in the world. But as he walked along the streets he spotted a wild red flower in the midst of this city. Anne and Diana were both sitting at a cafe, writing away in notebooks. He couldn't help himself, not even if he tried. Walking over he asked "What are you two working on so intently?"

"Gilbert!" Anne almost jumped out of her chair and tipped over her glass of tea.

Diana just chuckled away beside her. "Hello Gilbert. We're working on constructing a few stories of our own."

"Writing away your summer break? Very interesting."

Anne stuck up her nose. "Well what brought you out this way?"

"I'm here to help Bash with a few things around his house."

"Oh yes!" Anne's eyes glazed over as she thought about the romantic wedding ceremony they had attended earlier that year. "Bash and Mary make the most wonderful couple."

"They most certainly do." They all stared at each other for a moment and before the pause could be considered awkward, Gilbert tipped his cap. "I'll be on my way. Hope you two have a good time writing your stories. Maybe I'll see you around before I leave."

"When do you head back to Avonlea?"

"In another day or two I should think. Bash doesn't need help with major repairs just some simple things that need more than two hands."

"I wish you the best of luck." Anne said and as Gilbert walked away a smile tugged at the corners of his face. 


He was a free man - a free penniless man - but freedom was the key word to hold onto. He'd set out and try to capture that life he so desperately dreamed of having while in Avonlea. The sweet love and appreciation of a town and something better than the rough edges of the street corners. He wanted the wide open air and the fields that called for you to run through them.

But he was penniless - well almost penniless. With a few dollars he stumbled into a local bar and began to drown his sorrows, hoping that when he woke up he would have a better plan of what to do next. 

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