Chapter 5

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In the bog the sun rose to find Sebastian greeting the day with a smile. His most beautiful wife was next to him, the sun slipping through the window and illuminating her like an angel caught in a sunbeam. He could hear the steady snore of his best friend from the other room, and with a deep intake of breath that was laced with the fine particles of coal, he remembered how happy he was in this moment.

He imagined the perfect day. They would get up and Mary would prepare breakfast, Sebastian would try and help, and they would forcibly keep Gilbert from trying to help with anything. The boy had a heart of gold but the cooking ability of a small child who had never heard of the concept of a stove or spices before. Then after breakfast they'd work around the house, get it fixed up before selling it and moving everyone officially into the farm out in Anvonlea.

Yes, today Sebastian knew that everything would be great.

They managed to get to the great breakfast he'd imagined before the day took a turn.

A sharp and commanding bang came from the door. Sebastian stood up, wondering who could need them this early in the morning. Outside stood a tall bald headed white man and a young girl he thought almost looked familiar. "Blythe, I think these people might be for you."

With a confused look Gilbert pushed away from the table and out the window he spotted Diana. Her hat was on askew and she wrung her hands together as if they were about to fall off. Pulling the door open so fast a small gust of wind dimmed the candles on the table, Gilbert rushed outside. "Diana are you okay?"

She opened her mouth, she was ready to explain it all and ask for help, but the words were stuck in her throat. They were such a garbled mess that she wasn't sure how to get them out in the right order. Thankfully the butler knew just what to do. "Anne is presently missing Mr. Blythe and we have come to ask for your assistance in our search for her."

Gilbert's face drained of all color, and Sebastian assumed this must be what a ghost looked like.

"Of course. Of course. Let me get my coat and then I'll help at once."

Sebastian followed Gilbert over to the coat rack and offered to help search and then Mary too stood up to offer her services. Together they made a search party, looking for Anne in any of the nooks and crannies they could find. 

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