Chapter 3

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"Anne!" It did not actually sound like a name and that's why Anne didn't respond. There were no discernible syllables within that strangled and garbled cry. So she didn't turn around.

She did give Diana a strange look, but then the two girls giggled like little girls do. Especially little girls who are caught up in an adventure and are blissfully unaware of the perils a dark street contain. Certainly Anne knew of the dark things a street can have waiting around a corner, but here in Charlottetown, here in the company of a friend who had only ever known the grace of a privileged life, here Anne felt beyond safe. It was a lull, that's how she described it to herself when she tried to understand what happened later. Being with Diana was like getting to breathe during a lull in a storm. She didn't have to over think about her surroundings. She didn't have to worry about being caught by one of the people at the orphanage when she went on the street. Here, arm looped through Diana's, she was in her own private slice of heaven.

That's why that strangled cry had no meaning. How could something like that break into her most perfect day?

But the shattering of her expectations could not be ignored. A thick and beefy hand reached out, grasping her shoulder, pulling her out of sync with Diana, and with a garbled voice he said, "Anne! I am ever so happy to have found you."

Looking up Anne recognized the face. Yes, Jonesey had grown out his facial hair, yes he had a new limp that seemed awful painful to walk on for too long. But even through the changes Jonesey's bright eyes came through, his voice even encumbered by drink, lilted with its own unique cadence.

"Mr. Dunlop What are you doing here?" Anne surprised even herself that the words came out in a clean line. Her heart was beating so wildly and crazily that she was certain the heart's erratic rhythm would interfere with her lung's attempt at pushing out breath to make words.

"I've been released didn't you hear? The good people found me innocent of the charges. I mean how could they not? I was conned just like the rest of you. Nate was certainly the worst there was."

"I'm happy to hear that about you Mr. Dunlop. But -"

Suddenly Diana's arms were widely slashing out against Jonesey's arm that gripped the shoulder of her dress. "Let her go! You monster let her go now!" Diana was terrified and her only thought was of freeing Anne and getting away. But Diana missed the especially glazed look in Jonsey's eye. Didn't have the experience like Anne to walk gently around those who were in such a state.

Jonsey was so startled by Diana's onslaught that he reacted on instinct. He released Anne's dress and then with his full focus on Diana, he pushed her to the ground. Looming over her Diana's mind scuttled through tragedies about little girls or women who were attacked in the streets.

But before Diana was lost in Jonesey's shadow, Anne took up her whole view. She stepped in front of her fallen friend, looking strong and certain. Arms outstretched and head held high when she spoke her voice was unwavering, like she found a new well of strength from which to draw her courage. "Mr. Dunlop Stop! You don't want to hurt her."

Jonessey stumbled sideways, shaking his head. Anne's words seemed to make sense. Certainly he didn't want to hurt the little girl on the ground. No, that's not what he wanted to do. But then ... what did he want?

"Anne I just need to talk to you."

"Okay." She sounded out the word slowly. Seemingly to debate it while she said it. "We can talk, but you have to make sure that you don't try and hurt Diana again."

Jonesey nodded his head. Reaching around Anne he pushed his hand down towards Diana to help her up, but she didn't spare it a second glance. Pushing herself to a standing position again Diana stood behind Anne and was close enough to hear the girl whisper. "Go back to Aunt Josephine's. I'll try and slip away back to the house, but go get the butler. He could take Jonesey."

"Oh no! I couldn't leave you here! I just couldn't! There's no telling what he could do."

"I'll try and stall him, we won't make it very far, especially in his condition. Just hurry!"

Diana knew she couldn't think about it too long or her feet would suddenly become stuck to the ground, and she'd never have the energy or the courage to go and get help.

So she didn't let herself think. When Anne said hurry Diana balled her hands into fists, turned, and began pounding her feet against the ground. Away from the street, and up the road towards Aunt Josephine's. Anne slipped away behind her, but in her heart Diana swore an oath she'd never break. I'll be back for you! We'll save you!

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