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Five people. The members of the recently formed Kira Task Force. They all took their seats. None of these people have met each other before. They've all been gathered here by 'L', a world-renowned detective who they've been told that they will meet today. Time passed. Everyone introduced themselves. Some presented their theories on Kira, while others were content to merely listen. Suddenly, a nearby television screen came to life. A single L displayed on its surface, its speakers gently crackled, the entire room quiet. The L was then momentarily replaced with a message: "Please turn on your phones and have them at the ready."Then it flicked back to the L. No one hesitated in following the command. Soon, every phone buzzed as they received a text message. A long one, containing the rules for a game. Everyone in the room all recognized the rules as belonging to 'Kira Game', a popular game that had been circulating around the internet, based on the Kira case. L seemed to want everyone in the room all to play, and has even assigned roles to all of you. It was an interesting tactic. Was this L's way of 'vetting' the members of the Task Force? Before anyone could think on it for long or even say anything else, the gentle crackle of the speakers broke into a voice. Digitally distorted. A voice that many have came to associate with the legendary detective known as L. 

"Greetings. I am L. I have brought you all here to end this Kira Investigation. Kira is here with us, and so am I. We must bring Kira to justice before he kills us. I am... intrigued to see how this turns out. The race is on. Let the games begin! L, out." 

Tension in the room elevated as everyone began staring at one another, some gazes lingering before rolling back to the television screen, which had switched off in the room by that point. The investigative force leading this charge consisted of eight members. Seven members now, but no one really had any idea of who L was behind the television screen, so they could not form a conclusion of who he actually was. The six investigators inside of the room had each flashed their badges, all except two, that one of which being a To-Oh University student by the name of Light Yagami. Why was a boy like him on the force in something so crucial, you might ask? The reason was simple. Light Yagami possessed great deductive skills, much akin to L's. And the other members of the group could not be forgotten, either. The rest of the members were as follows;

Shuichi Aizawa

Kanzo Mogi

Touta Matsuda

L, though he was not actually there himself with the rest of the investigators.

Soichiro Yagami

And they were all accompanied by one unusual lady by the name of Kiyomi Takada, who had agreed to come to accompany Light Yagami in the investigation and lacked the proper rank to show any identification like that of the rest of the investigators.

As far as they all knew, what could they say about this Kira to contribute to the discussion or make any notable jump in what they knew about the supernatural self-proclaimed deity that had began killing so many criminals out of the blue? Kira had only been active for a month so far as far as they knew, so he was pretty new to killing. Shuichi Aizawa opened his mouth to speak, but soon closed his mouth after a few seconds of indulging in the inward silence of the room. Soichiro Yagami began the discussion, taking out a license card with his identification on it and placing it on the table. 

Soichiro Yagami: "...If we're going to do this, I'd like for everyone to give some form of identification and place it on the table to confirm that everyone really is who they say they were when they entered this department to discuss the Kira case." Soichiro said, coughing in short bursts, sweat beads rolling down the side of his face. 

Reluctant, Shuichi Aizawa, Touta Matusda, Kanzo Mogi, Light Yagami, and Kiyomi Takada all placed their forms of identification on the table. L was not there, so he did not give any form of identification, not even bothering to speak a word through the technology he had employed in the room. 

Touta Matsuda: "So, where does that put us at next?"

L: "No. Take all forms of identification and put them back into your inventory. Kira might actually be among us, and since I've taken in heavy suspicion and caution of every and each one of you, I consider you all as suspects... Maybe one more than the other, but you are all still suspects... Even you, Soichiro Yagami, director of the National Police Agency." L interjected boldly, his distorted tone coming across the entire room. 

L: "We'll be here for quite a while... But trust me, I believe someone here is Kira; that much is true." Behind the many layers of protection he was behind and encrypted technology that he had been using to communicate with the investigators, L smirked, stirring a cup of tea thoroughly with a spoon held between his index finger and his thumb. 

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