Debate Phase (Day 2)

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Sitting in his chair for prolonged amounts of time was none other than L, whose research and spare time was being put into more investigating and eating unhealthy amounts of food to fuel his brain and help him think. While he had been doing this, he caught footage of the conversation happening down in each of the rooms. Light Yagami had awoken. Rubbing his eyes and beginning to take the covers off of his body, he stepped out onto the floor and took a change of clothes with him, beginning to head to the bathroom. When he was there, he closed the door and locked it behind him, taking glances around the bathroom before turning on the faucet and allowing the water to run before lifting his toothbrush towards it and applying toothpaste, then brushing his teeth. The first few brushes were silent, but Light could soon hear shuffling and movement in his room. Was Kiyomi awake? Light shifted off of brushing his teeth and soon did the rest of his business in the bathroom provided, changing into formal clothing and heading out into the living room to prepare for the discussion that was up and coming. Kiyomi soon came out of her room as well and sat on the couch right besides Light.

Light Yagami: "Good morning, Kiyomi."

Kiyomi Takada: "Good morning, Light. How'd you sleep?"

Light Yagami: "Good. You?"

Kiyomi Takada: "Good, I guess."

Light Yagami: "That's good." Light blinked for a moment, noticing that Kiyomi was sweating literal beads. "Um... Something on your mind?"

Kiyomi Takada: "Not really... It's just how spacious this place is. You could get lost here if you aren't careful."

Light flashed a smile, laughing and playing things smoothly as he and Kiyomi made casual talk in the living room. On the other side of things, L was monitoring everything, staring into the cameras with caution.

Touta Matsuda: "So, how come you don't trust L, Aizawa?"

Shuichi Aizawa: "I just don't. How come he hasn't shown his face yet when we have? The only reason I agreed to do this was because it'd give us insight on catching Kira, not for the thrill of some lame game."

Touta Matsuda: "Yeah, I can see where you're coming from on that, but..."

Shuichi Aizawa: "But what? Because L's a famous detective, he's suddenly more trustworthy than the director of the NPA?"

Touta Matsuda: "Well... Yeah. The guy solved paranormal cases that lingered around in mystery for years."

Shuichi Aizawa: "Well, talking here isn't going to get us anywhere. I'm going." Hurrying out of the room, Aizawa left Matsuda to linger in thought.

A few hours later, morning passed by and it was now afternoon. All of the investigators had woken up and they had eaten breakfast. It was nearly time for the debate. Moments before the debate could even happen, though, Soichiro had received a private phone call from his wife. He went to a more discreet location and began to converse over the phone.

Soichiro Yagami: "Hello. I'm at headquarters right now..." He said, mumbling underneath his breath slowly. The phone call went by quickly, but it ended with Soichiro feeling even more stressed than he was initially. He put his phone back into his pocket and walked out into the living room. All of the investigators were now there, waiting for Soichiro, director of the NPA and important figure in the communications of the bureau of investigation.

Once everyone was seated, the debate began as people began exchanging their ideas and thoughts and the papers that they wrote their hash functions on were passed back out to them for the game. L was seated at his chair, eating a fruit cake and stuffing his mouth with sweets while examining the game's layout with satisfaction and a smug grin across his face. For some reason, he suspected that this game was helping him get somewhere in his investigation. By treating the investigators like assets and using their knowledge to get him where he needed in the Kira investigation, he'd be able to solve the case in absolutely no time. This debate was much shorter and terse.

L: "I see no need to have much of a debate today... Which is why I'd like to announce that today's debate is cancelled. You may return to your homes. When I need you all back here, you will be notified over your electronic devices." He informed them in a calm voice over the microphones and speakers he installed inside of the room. The investigators nodded and spoke quietly before they all stood up and began exchanging their goodbyes. The only one who remained inside of the living room was Light Yagami, who was confused at the sudden change of heart from the mysterious detective.

Eventually, he also left the department completely, entering a car with his dad to discuss what happened while merely driving home. While not all of the investigators realized it, things would certainly begin to take a turn in L's game as the detective intended to begin investigating each and every one of them.

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