Smoke Arc: Chapter 3

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It had been some serious time since the deity had been in the depths of hell and it wasn't a very friendly welcoming. The temperature here was blazing, but the male withstood the heat; knowing he had a job to do here. Demonic beings looked at him as he walked the path that soon would have the deity approaching a jail cell looking place. Last time Kyra was here to meet Smoke, he was in a cell and unable to get out, but just to be sure he risked asking. One demonic creature took a few steps closer to him which made him cock a brow at it and stop walking. "Well.. Since you're close and personal.. Where's Smoke? I'm sure everyone here knows him." Kyra asked the demonic creature. The creature pointed at the cells and Kyra smiled. "Thank you." Before Kyra took off walking the demon began to speak to him. "Are you here to free us all?" It asked in a very raspy like voice that sounded very disturbing. "No, no I am not. I am a member of the god realm. Breaking the seal here would be against my motives and promises. Sorry." Kyra said, still showing respect to the ones that ranked below him. The demon remained silent now and watched Kyra approach the main gate.

As Kyra approached the gate, he laid his hand on the metal and pushed it open which was fairly loud. The cells inside looked very similar to the last time he had been here. "...This place never changes.." He said to himself seeing some of the same beings in cells. It wasn't long before the god of smoke walked in front of the cell he last saw Smoke in years ago. He was nowhere to be found in there. "Wrong Mr. Sakes. A few things have changed around here. As you can see I'm no longer locked away here." Kyra's head turned quickly to look at the tall male. His body having many possessed marks on it, broken chains at his wrist, and also he looked 20x more demonic than he did before. "....It looks like this place suited you well Smoke. Why aren't you caged away.." Kyra asked, a bit concerned now. Smoke stared at the deity and signaled him to follow him down the walkway. "Come. Lets have our chat away from the prisoners. In my room." Smoke muttered as he walked towards a door at the end of the hall.

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