Chapter Seven

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He smashed my phone off the concrete after he shoved me to the ground. His lips were twisted into a smirk with one sharp incisor just barely poking past his bottom lip. He was different this time, he had some strange.. energy about him. I couldn't fight him off and he didn't even have a weapon. 

I flung trash cans at him and hit him with pieces of rotten wood left out in the alley. He just charged right through it. He was glowing a deep green. It was such an alluring color, unfortunately I didn't have time to stop and admire as he was trying to kill me. 

I scraped my knees as I struggled to make it to my feet. I made a run for the streets, even though I was sure that wouldn't do much for me. He didn't care to kill me in public, he'd proved that before. 

Why couldn't I have just stayed at the bar?

I took to the streets and weaved through traffic with him hot on my heels. I would much rather be hit by a bus at this point. 

A bus? Yes!

I grabbed onto the side of one of the public transports, just as it turned the corner to accelerate up the street. 

Come on public transport don't fail me now!

What I originally thought looked like green slime, soared by my head. He was throwing this crazy green stuff around in a frenzy as he chased behind the bus cursing loudly.  As the bus accelerated, his form became smaller and smaller and I started to breathe easier. 

My God.

The transport didn't slow down until it dropped me off on the other side of town. It was a long walk to the bar, but it beat the hell out of dying. 

I wish I could just call Mikoto..

I slumped my shoulders and took the backstreets in the direction of the bar. I wanted to lay really really low. I chewed on my lip and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I couldn't believe that creep was in my apartment. It sounded like he was hiring someone to hunt me down like some wild animal. How did I honestly get myself into this mess? I just wanted it all to be over.. 

I felt so bad for the people I had unintentionally drug into the situation. Even though I was almost certain Mikoto wasn't as innocent as he appeared, I still felt bad at the thought that his hands were getting dirty because of me.

And I couldn't even tell him the truth. 

The whole truth.

Every time I thought about those deep red eyes my limbs felt all tingly and the hairs on my neck rose. The feeling was intensifying with each passing day and it was honestly annoying.  

What could I honestly say though? 

She's dead. She's been dead this whole time, even if it didn't seem so to me....I just missed her. 



I groaned as I rounded the corner, just down the street from the bar. I could tell all the lights were on and the place was about to be packed. I stepped into the bar a few moments later and weaved through the small crowd of people lingering around a table trying to decide if they wanted to head on up to the actual bar and order drinks. 

Mikoto was on the couch smoking and browsing his phone. He glanced up at me as I walked by and without much hesitation he followed me up the stairs. Hearing his heavy footsteps behind me gave me some kind of odd thrill. 

I shook the perverse thoughts from my mind and opened my bedroom door. He stood in my door with a semi-concerned look on his face as I recalled the incident from just an hour or two earlier. 

The Lost {Mikoto Suoh x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now