Chapter Eleven

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I sat in Mikoto's usual napping spot as I watched the news. 

'Building collapsed and 4 men found dead' 

I had a <plate/bowl> of <insert favorite breakfast> in my lap as I munched and listened. Kusanagi stood behind the bar, cleaning things up as he usually did while he also listened. It was a sleepy morning as I imagined everyone was plenty tired from the previous day. I was tired and I didn't really do all that much so I can't really imagine how everyone else felt.

I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs before a sleepy Mikoto entered the room. He looked rough, but rough looked really really good on him. His hair was disheveled and he was dressed only from the waist down. His shoulder was neatly wrapped by Kusanagi the night before. I cringed at the memory of Yata and Kusanagi physically pulling the bullet from his flesh. 

Although it looked painful I had to admit the sight of Mikoto sweating and biting his bottom lip while releasing faint groans here and there wasn't really a bad scene to walk up on.  I watched him light a cigarette as he leaned against the bar. He was waiting on Kusanagi to finish whatever he was doing so he could help unwrap his shoulder, and then he could bathe. 

"Good morning." I smiled shyly as I finished up my breakfast. I walked by him to return the <plate/bowl> behind the counter. Just walking passed him made my stomach tighten considerably. I used to fight the feelings, and promiscuous thought I would have about him but I've just about given in and gotten used to them now. Besides, what he doesn't know wont hurt him right? 

"Morning." He growled out behind his cigarette. His voice was coarse and, you could definitely tell, hadn't been used since the night before. It sent chills up the back of my neck and down my arms. 

Probably wouldn't be so bad if he had a shirt on.

My god 

Kusanagi grabbed a case of newely ordered glasses and carried them to the back. We both watched him and he really did look busy, I honestly wasn't using it as an excuse. "He seems a little busy, let me check your shoulder so you can go ahead and soak."

He finished his cigarette and nodded, "I think I'll shower." He didn't want to admit that soaking in the tub would be too painful, and I didn't push for him to.  

I headed up the stairs knowing he would follow. Once in the bathroom I laid out some hospital grade disinfectant and such. We had a rough bunch, we kept literally everything you could think of that was medical. It was a good thing since Mikoto refused to go to the hospital. 

I opened the bathroom door and flipped the light on, I then motioned for Mikoto to sit on the shower bench against the wall while I washed my hands. "Are you having a lot of pain this morning?"

"No more than usual." I dried my hands and gave him a knowing look. "No more than usual?"

"Nothing a cigarette can't fix." I shook my head and started to unwrap his shoulder. "I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before. Cigarette's don't fix anything, I'll bet your lungs are screaming for mercy right about now."

"Screaming for mercy?" I glanced down at him and caught the look he was giving me. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach and my throat tightened. All I could do was nod. I stood between his legs while I disinfected his shoulder. It was quiet for a few seconds but his eyes never left me, I could feel them.  "Hows your hand?" He gently plucked my wrist from the air and examined my hand. He felt bad that he burned me, I could see that clearly, however if he hadn't done what he did I probably wouldn't have a hand. "It's healing, nothing near as bad as what you have going on." 

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