Chapter Ten

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If any grammar mistakes I'll come back in a few days and correct them. I know how long you guys have been waiting so I'll go ahead and upload this. I've had a really hectic schedule, I'll be updating more this week. Thanks for being patient!


Yata was right, soon after the green aura appeared, as well as the ground quaking explosion, The fighting began. Here I sat, on the ground staring into the eyes of my mothers murderer, just a few hours after it all began. We were alone, in the midst of warehouse ruble. I wasn't even entirely sure of it's location. I couldn't call for help. Hell, I didn't even know if help was responsive at this point.

He shot at him.

I don't know if he hit him, but I saw him stumble.

Maybe he dodged it.

Please, someone tell me he dodged.

The amusement on his face told me he knew what I was thinking. He could probably see the fear in my eyes. The fear of losing any of them, the people that made me their family member and took me in as one of their own. The fear of anything happening to him.

It wasn't easy to kill a king, right?

" You'll join him soon, would that make you happy? I see you look really uncomfortable down there on the floor. My guys have really put you threw it, sorry about that. You won't have to suffer any longer, however. Use your final moments to think fondly of your mother, the bitch who got you into this situation in the first place."

He raised his right arm and pointed his silver handgun in my face. This was it.


Just hours earlier-

We waited for Mikoto to join us before we took to the streets and began our investigation. The battle was somewhere out there waiting for us, we just had to find it.

It was like a game of cat and mouse- I was not a fan.

Going directly toward the giant glowing structure would've been too obvious, so we fanned out for a bit of recon.

I went with Yata down many many different back alleys. Everything was eerily quiet and I was very jumpy. Now was a hell of a time to be scared. Yata was carrying a baseball bat, of course, but he was on foot instead of on his usual skateboard. 

"Yata.." I whispered. "Why is it so quiet? I mean.. the streets are literally empty.."

"It won't be quiet for long, enjoy it."

We crept around for a short while longer before the action began. A bullet hit the side of an industrial building just over Yata's head. I'm pretty sure he lost a few hairs with that one. He smacked the second bullet with a red glowing bat and sent it flying back. "Get behind something!" I didn't hesitate to find some scrap metal down the nearest alley way. I pulled Yata behind the heap of metal with me. A shower of bullets ricocheted in between the buildings. However low I kept my head just wasn't low enough. If it were humanly possible I would've buried my skull into the concrete pavement beneath us.

"Don't we have a gun?!" I strained my voice over the sound of gunfire.


"Well why the hell not?!!"

"We don't need one!"

A gun would really be nice right about now.

"I can't barely control these abilities, me using them is a huge risk to people, Yata! What am I supposed to do?!"

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