The begining

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It was the first day of school for certain teenagers that got accepted into M.A, which was the hardest high school to get into in all of Paris. In this society everybody had some sort of super human power. M.A was the only school to teach people to become hero's. Super powers have not been around forever though, the first power showed up around 87 years ago, soon everyone had a power but some used there power for evil. There have been restrictions put in powers since then, and still when evil showed up somebody always showed up to save the day, society labeled these two category's hero's and villains. Ever since there have been something to promote hero's or becoming one. Now the only way to become a hero is to go to a school. They didn't know it yet but four of the most important hero's were about to walk into that school. The first was marinette her power she liked to call super. She had super strength, speed, intelligence, etc. She signed in and was handed her assigned miraculous she got the top score on the entrance test and was giving the most important miraculous. All the miraculous were in a box with a note that said not to open it so no one had any idea of what miraculous they got. Next was Adrien, his power was ice and fire. His power is pretty self explanatory and powerful. She signed in and got his assigned miraculous. Next was Alya her power was time freeze. Again this power is pretty self explanatory but she can only freeze time to maximum of two hours. She singed in and was giving her assigned miraculous. Lastly, there was Nino, his power is teleportation. He can teleport anywhere as long as he knows where it is. He signed In and was handed his miraculous. When they were handed their miraculous they were also handed a schedule and it just so happens that they had they same schedule. First was homeroom with Master fu. "All right class I'm master fu and you will address me as that"Master fu said. "Now this along with being your homeroom class it will also be your hero class as said so on your schedule" he continued. "Now in this class we have desks of 4 so sit with three other people. But choose carefully because these people will be working with you for the rest of your hero life" he finished. "You have 10 minutes to do so" master fu added. Marinette saw Adrien and started flustering but kept her cool, she thought that he would be a good choice to sit by since she already likes him without even talking to him. Alya and Nino have already decided to sit by each other, Alya and marinette's eyes have made contact and marinette gave her a small bright smile. Alya returns the smile and motions for her to come sit with them, Marinette nods and sits by them. Marinette and adriens eyes came into contact 27 seconds later (marinette was counting) and she gave him her brightest smile. He looked at her and gave a small but genuine smile in return. She motioned for him to come sit with them, at first he was hesitant but then nodded and sat with them. "Your smile is contagious" Alya whispered to marinette. Marinette just quietly giggled and whispered "thank you" back to her. They had only used 4 out of the 10 min so marinette decided to talk to adrien. "Hi, what's your name" she asked Adrien with a smile. "Adrien agreste" he replied shyly. "Oh that's where I've seen you from, you a model for your dad, that's cool, my names marinette but I highly doubt you would know me" marinette replied. "Hey what's your po.." Adrien started but was cut off by an alarm telling them time was up. "Ok times up" master fu said. Now it was time. "Ok right now might as well be the biggest moment of your life because" he started. "You are going to open your miraculous" he finished. All the students were given a list of the miraculous before they signed in. They all had a chance to look over it and they all know what miraculous are which one(s) were the most powerful and what animals they represented. "You May Now open your boxes" master fu said.

———————————————————————————YAY first chapter done ✌️

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