The miraculous

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"WAIT" master fu yelled. "The students quickly stopped what they where doing at looked up at the teacher. "We have a LATE student here" master fu said annoyed. "All the desks have been filled but one is slightly bigger than the others" master fu said pointing at marinette, Adrien , Alya and nino's. Desks. " Scoot over and let her sit there" master fu said and they complied. There was plenty of room for and extra person since the desks were already huge and there's happened to be bigger. "Now you may open your miraculous" master fu said. Everyone opened there miraculous. Everyone gasped as they saw their miraculous. Marinette's table especially. Everyone looked over at marinette and adrien. "Wow marinette you have the #1 miraculous, you must really be something" adiren said. Marinette blushed, "well you have the #2 miraculous which means you must really be something to" marinette said to adrien smiling. Adrien noticed that marinette didn't talk much and when she did it was very quietly, so he figured she must just be shy. Nino and Alya has just went through a similar conversation as they had just gotten the 3rd and 4th most important miraculous. Chloe however didn't go through anything like that, Chloe and everyone around her considered her a loner and she didn't really like participating in group activity's, but she'd do it to achieve her dream of being a hero. They looked around the room. Marinette noticed one of her old friends from her middle school, Nathaniel, who just got the Tiger miraculous. She smiled knowing they had similar goals. "Ok class time to put on your miraculous" master fu said. Everyone complied and then popped out lots of little kwamiis. They introduced them selfs told them about their powers and how to transform. "Ok you may now transform" master fu said. Soon various phrases and light came from the students in their new costumes they got used to the feel and practiced their powers. "Now just a f.y.i the miraculous make you a better version of yourself...well let me rephrase that, it makes you who your meant to be" master fu stated. Now detransform your next class starts in two min" master fu stated. Everyone quickly detransformed and packed up. The bell rung and they all headed to gym.

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