The school had instructions to go change before yo. enter the gym and had specific uniforms they had led to wear until they're costumes came in. "Today we will be testing your strength" said the gym teacher. "You weren't allowed to use your...well your fairly new at this so I'm going to call them quirks instead of powers" the gym teacher stated. "Well today we're going to test your physical alone with mental strength" he said. "Get outside...NOW" he shouted. "Hey guys wait up" marinette called to Nino,Alya,and Adrien. We should take a picture for our first day at M.A!" She said excitingly. They all agreed, they called over to Chloe who agreed to be in it, marinette set down the camera in order to take it and noticed Nathanael was in the background and said "hey nath your in the pic" before having anytime to replied, (the picture above). "Thanks guys" she said with a beaming smile that ended up being contagious. "OK TIME FOR TEST ONE" he yelled. "THIS IS A PHYSICAL STRENGTH TEST" he shouted. "Ok now a medium sized weight" he said as weights appeared infront of everyone. Half of the class didn't make it the only two of the five could handle it. Chloe's quirk was earphone jack: she had earphone like things attached to her ears which she could stick into people or things and create and sound the volume and what kind of sound it was depended on what the person wanted it to be, which didn't help her with the challenge. "Next a two hundred pound weight" he shouted. Marinette and adrien were the ones who lucked out because marinettes inhuman strength made her the strongest person in earth and got stronger when others did, and Adrien used his ice to hold it up. The weight appeared and marinette picked it up easily, Adrien used his ice which was cracking and Barely able to hold it up. Ivan's quirk was Engine: he had engines on the back of his legs which made him fast as a car, but his brute force made him able to hold the first weight and barely the 2nd one. The three were the only ones left. "Ok you guys wanna play...WELL HERES AN ELEPHANT!!" He shouted as three elephants appeared out of nowhere. Murmurs were heard from everyone saying no one could do it. "THERES NO WAY ANYONE CAN DO ITttt....." Alya shouted but was proved wrong by marinette causally picking it up without breaking a sweat. Jaws were dropped and murmurs were heard as the short lightweight girl was able to pick up a elephant. Adriens ice broke quickly and Ivan flat out quit. Everyone one came up to ask her a question when the teacher started. "Your marinette right" he said looking through his clipboard. "Marinette. Dupain. Cheng. Quirk: super: the user has inhumanly more powerful amounts of everything... and every time someone reached her power level in something or surpassed it she uncontrollably grows more powerful". The class is in awe as she shyly goes back to her place. "And YOU" he says pointing at adrien. "Adrien. Agreste. Quirk: half hot half cold: the user can use fire with his left side and ice with his right. Marinette watched as he blushes from the attention and accedenly uses his fire side and hits marinette with it. "OMGIMSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSORRYIDIDNTMEANTOITWASANACCEDENTISWEARPLEASEFORGIVEME!!" He shouted. She got up and she was fine she had super levels of resistance. "I'm fine don't worry" she said shyly feeling bad for making him shout/mixing up his words. The rest of the tests always came out in marinettes favor but other people got their turn in the spotlight. Soon the test ended and they changed back into their normal clothes and got ready for their non-quirk related classes.

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