Happy Birthday

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This is dedicated to Lily Cruz, one of my best friends who is turning 16 yesterday.

I know this isnt as great as a birthday gift.

I promise you this isnt a shrift.

I know youd prefer a steam card to this.

But I promise its not about falling in the abyss.

I just wanted to say thank you for all youve done.

On the list of whos trusted me, youre the only one.

If I hadnt met you I dont know where id be right now.

Probably digging a hole in the ground.

And though I hate being social for too long.

You gave me the sense that I belong.

And even though im typing this in your room as you party,

I just want you to know that im uncomfortable with this, partly.

I used to rather stay at home.

But you made it so I hate being alone.

Im only here for you to be glad

Even though I know ill make you mad.

Im doing my best, I really am.

But I cant socialize like you can.

Please just be happy that im really trying.

And I appreciate that you arent prying.

Its a lot of pressure for me to be me.

But just know im happy you can be free.

I dont want you to be upset.

Thats why you wont see this till tomorrow's sunset.

I had a good time, I really did.

But it was too much, I was better as a kid.

Well, as a kid I never went to birthdays.

The only thing I got were no work days.

I was really trying to have fun.

And I was really glad you wanted me to come.

I really wish I could buy you something great

But that would be going against fate

All I can do right now is right you this rhyme

But just know itll be better over time.

This I promise as your friend.

I plan on making everything awesome in the end.

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