Its Almost Over

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Ive tried my hardest all the while,

I joked and laughed, grinned and smiled.

Ive tried my best to hide it from you

The only thing about us thats true

That I really have been missing you

And over the time my pain has grew

I really wish you could just see

That the smiling face isnt me.

I want you to stop looking at my smile,

And realize that ive fallen a mile.

I want to tell you how I'm gone.

That Ive written many songs

About how much I miss your love

And how I plan to watch you from below or above.

I want to tell you that ill miss you badly.

And not to cry for me sadly.

I want to tell you that im bad luck.

And that the final note has struck.

I want to say this as a goodbye.

I dont want you to scream or cry.

Just live a happy life for me.

Live it so that I can see.

Even from hell below I'll protect you.

That, is something you can know to be true.

Everything is almost at an end.

So I say this to you, my friend.

Pay closer attention to those you care for.

For they may have already told you before.

That their end is actually coming near.

And they have no remorse or fear.

They may have said that they are a loather.

But at least, for them, its almost over.

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