Party. Drugs. Pain. Repeat.

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Trigger Warning: This one shot will include some serious problems such as rape and self harm, if you DO NOT feel as if you want to read something like this please DO NOT read it and just skip to the next chapter as not everyone feels comfortable reading things like this.

Klaus' P.O.V

Party. Drugs. Repeat.

That's all that was going through my head, I couldn't think straight, maybe I overdosed?
No, that wouldn't happen....would it?

"Hey cutie, what's your name?" A really weird man came towards me, he looked like he was in his late twenties/early thirties.

Before I could reply he grabbed me and dragged me over to the dance floor.

Believe me I love clubs but this guy is really ruining everything for me, I can see so many girls and boys drooling over him in the corner of my eye but he isn't that attractive to me.

"I didn't get you name? What was it?"

"It's Klaus if you must know, what's yours?"

"None if you business" he whispered closely in my ear, his breath reeked of alcohol but I'm not one to complain so I went along.

"You know you looked very hot standing in the corner there."

Wow, this guy has no shame....

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Not too bad, sweetie take another look and you'll notice that I'm way better than not to bad"

Great...he has an ego.

The song soon finished and an overplayed song came up which made us walk off the dance floor and towards the bar.

"I'll be fine from here," I say to him not really wanting his company anymore because he seemed weird AND THAT SAYS A LOT COMING FROM ME.

"Oh come on don't be a party pooper!" He said before turning to the bartender.

"Two Paloma cocktails"

I decide to shut my mouth and just go along with it, mainly because I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to fight back and walk away.

I wasn't really paying attention to anything at the moment, I was completely numb to everything...

"Klaus?" I hear the man saying.


"Your drink?"

"Oh" I say right before picking up the glass.

After a few minutes I feel dizzy and completely different.
I have no idea where I am or my surroundings.

"Come on babe," I hear him saying.

- - - -

I wake up with an insane headache and... WITH NO CLOTHES?!?!?!

I look down and notice white and red liquids mixed together which made me gag, the room smelt like sex and blood.

"Hello?" I yell out kind of hoping that no one answers.

I see my clothes on the floor, put them on and limp towards the door.

I grabbed the handle and thankfully the door was unlocked which allowed me to leave.

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