I heard a rumour

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Allison's P.O.V

I did it to get my career, I did it to fight crime, I did it to keep my irritating siblings in line, I did it when I needed to or at least that's what I thought.

The second that I got caught using my power on my daughter I regretted it, not because I got caught but because I made my daughter do something against her own will...even if it was something as innocent as sleeping.

I manipulated people from a young age but back then I thought it was for their own good now I realise that I had just been selfish.

I look down at the divorce papers I had to sign and thought back to when I was just 12 and Ben and Klaus couldn't keep it down.

- - -

We all had a bed time but obviously none of us followed it...apart from Luther.

I was straightening my hair when I heard laughter coming from Klaus' room... Diego better not be throwing blades at apples which were resting on Klaus' head.

I barge in and see Klaus and Ben laughing whilst jumping on Klaus' bed.

"Are you two crazy?!?!" I whisper yelled.

"I mean they tell me I am but I do-" Klaus began but I cut him off.

"Ben get out! If you get caught in here you're going to be in so much trouble!"

Ben leaves as he was never one to break rules but Klaus was the opposite.

"You really like to ruin fun don't you?" Klaus says but not in a mad tone, he seemed kind of amused.

"I heard a rumour that you were tired," I say to Klaus and he quickly falls asleep.

- - -
I grab a pen and sign my signature on the papers. How has my life come to this, all the moments when I said "I heard a rumour" are coming back to me.

- - -
"I heard a rumour that I'm perforce for this role."

"I heard a rumour that you will give my the last chocolate bar."

"I heard a rumour that I was your favourite friend."

"I heard a rumour that you gave the old lady her purse back."

- - -
I regret it all.

A silent tear slid down my face when I look back at how fake my life it, how I shaped it how I wanted, how I didn't work for what I had.

But I'll be better.
I will.

- - -
Thanks for reading.
Summer x

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