Collected letters

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(Allison x Luther)
-this is another request so I think I'll probably do some requested one shots.

Allison's P.O.V

I opened another notebook and ripped out a page then began writing,

Dear Luther,

You've stopped writing back, did something happen? Did father end up sending you to the moon? Maybe that's why your not writing back.

You know sometimes I do look up to the moon knowing that there is a possibility that your there looking down. It's so weird looking back to when you used to dream about being an astronaut and now your actually in the moon... I never doubted you.

I began filming my next movie, I think you might like it-

I stopped writing, this was pointless. I looked back at the letter and reread the bit where I mentioned his dreams... it reminded me of our dreams and all our secrets.

13 years ago

"Allison! Luther! I know both of you are hiding somewhere here!" I hear Pogo yell out.

"Shh" Luther laughed.

He takes my hand and we run out on the balcony.

We stared up at the stars, neither of us daring to make a sound.

"We have to keep this a secret, don't we?" I said disappointed.

"Hey, we can make it through this yeah? Our siblings understand and if they don't already they will."

"I'm pretty sure most of them have already noticed," I laughed.

"Klaus and Ben were snooping around, they thought that I didn't hear them but they weren't subtle at all," Luther laughed back.

"I'm not surprised."

"How lucky are the people that end up going to space."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that's like a whole different world, looking down on Earth must be an incredible feeling."

"Maybe one day you could be one of those lucky people, you never know."

"You recon I could make it as an astronaut?"

"I do."

We stayed quiet for the next few minutes and everything was alright for that moment.

Present time

Hey Luther,
I haven't wrote in ages, I had found out that you are actually on the moon, that's incredible, I'm so proud and happy for you. I know you won't get this and it's pointless writing to you but I may not get custody over my daughter and I have no idea how to deal with that especially since you were the only one there for me my whole life and now you're not on the planet. I have no one to turn to, you know fame is so overrated... everyone knows you yet in the end you're alone.
I hope I'll see you sometime again.
I̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶

Luther's P.O.V

I've been up on the moon for a few months now, I never got the chance to tell Allison about this.

I look down on Earth knowing that one day I'll get to see her again.

- - - - - - -
Not my best ahahah sorry, I've been very tired lately.

I just want to say thank you to everyone that's been reading my stories and commenting, most of your comments do make me smile and laugh so thank you.

Thanks for reading

Summer x

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