Goku on a diet?!!!!!

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This book will vary between GT characters like Adult Gohan or Pan to DBZ with teen or child Gohan and Kid Trunks/Goten.

(Goku has entered the chat)

(Chi Chi has entered the chat)

Goku- Chi Chi I don't want too!

Chi Chi- Yes you are and don't think you can escape me if you hide on your computer. >:(

Goku- you know I love food as much as training

Chi Chi- But if you keep eating it's going to kill you even worse than any of your enemy could ever do.

Goku- I haven't gained a single pound

Chi Chi- Vegeta told me that sayain look the same on the outside but on the inside they weight as much as a normal human.

Goku- I don't want to go on a diet

Chi Chi- [pulls out frying pan] want to feel mister pan again?

Goku- No no I'll go on the diet as long as I choose the healthy food.

Chi Chi- That does not mean cheesy broccoli

Goku- but it's a vegetable :(

Chi Chi- But the cheese isn't if you do your only having the broccoli without the topping.

Goku- Noooooooooooo!

Chi Chi-..... [rolls eyes]

Goku- I...love...food [starts to cry]

Chi Chi- Oh god...Goku stop that

Goku- I want my food

Chi Chi- You can have one last big meal before the diet

Goku- yay!!!!!!!!!

(Goku has left the chat)

Chi Chi- Better start cooking

(Chi Chi has left the chat)

{The next day}

(Future Trunks has entered the chat)

(Adult Gohan has entered the chat)

(Krillian has entered the chat)

(Goku has entered the chat)

Gohan- Dad what's up with mom she seems meaner than usual and it pointed at Goten

Goku- She's marketing me go on a diet and I fought about it.

Gohan- OH my god I would have never seen the day you stopped eating.

Trunks- I do in the future

Gohan- of course you did

Krillian- what about me do I still marry 18?

Trunks- I'm in the future where she's evil remember

Krillian- Oh :(

Gohan- When does it start dad?

Goku- Already started yesterday was the last full meal

Krillian- Sucks for you

Trunks- Krillian! [hits him in the head]

Krillian- [rubs the bump on his head] ow I was just kidding.

Trunks- you better

Krillian- Got to go I'm going shopping with 18 and Marron.

(Krillian has left the chat room)

Gohan- Same here Pan needs school uniforms.

Trunks- I got to go back to the future.

Goku- like the movie XD

Trunks- Yes exactly

(Trunks has left the chat)

Goku- I want some normal food :(

(Goku has left the chat)

Will Goku survive this new diet or will he die of starvation as he always claims if he doesn't eat. Find out on the next part of DBZ\GT CHAT ROOM!

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