Goku's Munchie Exploration Part Two

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Goku- *stomach grumbles* I need some actual food or im goin to starve.

《Piccolos Chat》

Goku- Lets go to piccolos

(Goku has entered the chat)

Goku- hey piccolo hows it going.

Piccolo- you want food dont you

Goku- yes :(

Piccolo- you know we dont eat right?

Goku- I also know yo dont have private parts either.

Piccolo- >:(

Goku- What did I do?

Piccolo- your a dumb ass

Goku- that isnt nice even for a yoshi

Piccolo- >:( you can kiss the greenest part of my ass

(Piccolo has left the chat)

Goku- There are greener parts of his ass?

(Dende has entered the chat)

Dende- Sorry goku about him we do have food, we eat human food just because we can even though we dont need it. *tosses him a few burgers*

Goku- oh my gamikai thank you

Dende- um its gemikai now with kami being fused with piccolo and all.

Goku- Still sayaing Gamikia it sounds better :)

Dende- *feels narsasistic* what piccolo said

(Dende has left the chat)

Goku- Om no nom nom, I enjoy this.

(Chi chi has entered the chat)

Goku- *hides behind hands*

Chi Chi- GOKU!!!!

Goku- *funky voice* goku is not at the phone at the moment leave a message after the beep.... BEEP!

Chi Chi- Not on a phone goku!!!!!

Goku- uh the world is on fire!

(Goku has left the chat)

Chi Chi- -_- and so the race continues.

(Chi chi has left the chat)

Goku finally got some food but almost got caught this time. Will Goku be free of Chi Chi or will he be running for the rest of dragon ball z? Sorry for the slow update.

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