Roshi's Quest for Breasts: Chi Chi

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(Roshi has entered the chat)

(Oolong has entered the chat)

Roshi- all of the young wiper snappers use this darn thing even the pretty ladies hehehe

Oolong- What are you doing on my computer Roshi it's my turn.

Roshi- But the ladies

Oolong- No buts get off

Roshi- I'll let you see any boobies that come

Oolong- Deal, now scoot over a bit.

Roshi- Ok so what do we do.

Oolong- Just look for a room to chat in

Roshi- but we are chafing in a room in my house

Oolong- Some times your as dumb as Goku give me the mouse

Roshi- A mouse Ahhh!

Oolong- geez you big scary cat now which room to go in [lloks at the local nearby rooms]

Vegeta and Bulma's Room- I don't want killed

Launch's room- I just got over my last gun wound

18s chat room- She's an android so no

Pans chat room- She's a little girl

Goku and Chi Chi's chat room- here we go this one will work

Roshi- Chi Chi oh boy! :) did you know her name means boobies, SCORE!

Oolong- Nice :)

(Now entering the chat room)

Goku- Hey Master Roshi what are you doing here?

Roshi and Oolong- !!!!!!!!

Goku- What?

Roshi- um hey just wanted to um she if you haven't forgotten um about me

Goku- of course not

Roshi- that's good how's the family?

Goku- good me a Goten are going to train after supper and Chi Chi is going to look at her emails later on.

Roshi- ok [has a mental lightbulb over his head]

Goku- see ya

(Goku has left the chat)

Oolong- so where's the boobies?

Roshi- patients my padawan all in good time [smirks smugly]

A few hours later:

(Chi Chi has entered the chat)

Chi Chi- is anyone here to talk too?

(RoshiThePlayer has entered the chat)

RoshiThePlayer- Hello lady [gives a smile handing her a rose]

Chi Chi- Thanks for the rose but I'm married already.

RoshiThePlayer- I know ;)

Chi Chi- wait is that you Roshi!

RoshiThePlayer- No it's not it's his um twin brother Moshi

Chi Chi- [pulls out frying pan and hits Roshi] you pervert!


(ThePigMan has entered the chat)

ThePigMan- Hello there

Chi Chi- I know it's you Oolong

ThePigMan- Crap I'm out 0-0

(ThePigMan has left the chat)

Chichi- God your a pervert [kicks the K.Oed Roshi in the chest]

Roshi- [whispers] Got ya [jumps grabbing her breasts]

ChiChi- YOU PERVERT [dropkicks him across the earth and "It's good" is heard in the background.

That's not the worst of his quest the worst is yet to come for Roshi but at least he got something am I right *crickets* wow tough crowd. See you next time and make sure to leave comments on ideas for future topics.

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