Goku's Munchie Exploration Part One

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(Goku has entered the chat)

Goku- I want actual food not that cruddy tofu junk [lightbulb appears over his head] I'll ask my friends :)

Krillian's Chat Room:

Krillian- So how is the training Yamcha

Yamcha- I stopped that stuff I'm trading for baseball

Krillian- Meh I've stopped too

(Goku has entered the chat)

Krillian- Goku? What brings you here to our neck of the woods

Goku- Oh nothing much

Yamcha- You want food don't you?

Goku- Yeah :(

Krillian- Wouldn't Chi Chi kick your but if she found out?

Goku- Yes [rubs his head from the multiple hits] they hurt more then when Piccolo shot his special beam cannon through my chest.

Krillian- Fine you can com....

(Chi Chi has entered the chat)

Goku- Crud

(Goku has left the chat)

Chi Chi- [devilish smile] was my husband here

Krillian- Um No

[Chi Chi pulls out her knife like she threaded to castrate Krillian in DBZ abridged]

Chi Chi- Are you sure about that

Yamcha- 0-0

Krillian-............positive [flinches]

Chi Chi- [sharpens knife]

Krillian- S***

(Krillian has left the chat)

Yamcha- Uh....bye

(Yamcha has left the chat)

Chi Chi- Your next [points at reader with a demonic smile]

Vegeta/Bulma chat room:

Bulma- Vegeta we should go out sometime we haven't in years

Vegeta- darn it woman I have to train every moment I can.

Bulma- >:(

Vegeta- Oh call a wambulance she's drowning in her tears

Bulma- Your mean [starts crying]

Vegeta- Jesus cr... ok I will now just be quiet

Bulma- Yay let's go right n....

(Goku has entered the chat)

Vegeta- Kakarot what the hell are you doing here?

Goku- I need food plus Chi Chi's after me and she has the knife.

Bulma- But why here?

Goku- Because you can protect me you are a woman right?

Vegeta- [spits out water] HA HA HA HA HA!


Goku- ! You support the red ribbon army?

Bulma- GAH!

(Bulma has left the chat)

Vegeta- Now you did it [smirks]

Goku- So you got food.

Vegeta- [in a voice like Golim from LOTR] it's all mine, my precious.


(Chi Chi has entered the chat)

Goku- 0-0

Vegeta- 0-0

Chi Chi- I've got you know

To Be Continued....

Ha ha ha this is the best one yet. I try to cross some barriers that they wouldn't on DBZ but not to far. Find out if Goku survives in Chapter Eight Goku's Munchy Exploration Part Two

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