That Damned Firebolt!

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Harry sped off into the distance as the crowd cheered at the fastest broom they had ever seen. Harry couldn't stop smiling, it was one of the best presents he had ever been given, besides the Nimbus 2000, obviously. But this broom was even faster, the fastest yet! He wished Sirius could have been there to seem him at that moment. But he was on the run and the Firebolt that he had unwrapped that morning in the post told him that Sirius was still alive and well.

He could hear the cheers of people below as he descended down, and jumped off his new broom, being slapped on the back by many of his fellow Griffindors. Most of his Quidditch team had wormed their way towards him and started to marvel at the new speed they could add to the team.

The minute classes were over that day, the Quidditch team all got into gear and went to practise, all eager to try out Harry's new broom. Many other Griffindors were invited to watch, but Hermione was busy doing homework...


"That was wicked Harry!" was the first thing Hermione heard when the door to the Common room opened and a swarm of people came flooding in.

She was snuggled up on her favourite squashy armchair, a pile of books around her, and of course, her nose already stuck in one. She knew that the broom was cool but seriously? They had an essay of the effects of Dragon's Blood in the human body due the next day! Did they want to fail their classes? They had five months till the summer holidays, until then, they needed to focus on their education!

Some of the students went up to bed straight  away while others stayed in the large group to talk about Quidditch. Again? Hermione just didn't get it. What was so fun about flying hundreds of feet above the air on a stick? 

"Come over here 'mione!" Ron tried to entice her to join in the conversation but she refused flatly.

"Come on! You spend all your time studding! You need to have a bit of fun, sometimes!"

It was true. She had observed that Quidditch talk was quite popular. Heck! She even liked going to watch them! But when it came to the talk after the match, she was always at a loss. She barely new the rules of Quidditch, and it seemed, the more you know, they more you are included in conversation. She had thought of one day playing a game with Ron and Harry, but she had next to no skill, let alone balance. It would be nice for her just to once be able to actually have a full conversation about Quidditch with her best friends... Maybe she could teach herself...


She rummaged in Harry's bag for the book she was looking for. Finally, she found it! She had given this to Harry as a present before his very first Quidditch match. She took it out and read the title, 'Quidditch Through The Ages.'. She quickly stuffed it in her robes and ran back up to her dormitory.

She sat cross legged and started to read. She was almost famous for reading, it was like a super power. She had lost count how many times she had read 'Hogwarts A History'.


The morning post was about to arrive and Draco was brooding over the fact that Potter had a toy he didn't have. Things were about to get worse though, as an owl dropped down in front of him, a scroll attached to it's leg. That was wired, usually, he only got the Daily Prophet, unless it was a letter from  his parents. That was exactly what it was.


Congratulations! The Dark Lord id returning! I can feel it in my Dark Mark! It is time, Draco, for you to follow in my footsteps! Soon, Draco, soon! You will be welcomed as a Deatheater!

Your Father.'

Draco went pale, even paler than usual. He screwed up the scroll and stuffed it into his pocket. He couldn't believe it! His entire life he had dreaded the day his father would tell him he was ready. He wasn't! He never would be! And how had his mother agreed to this? He was only fourteen! Surely his mother would protect him! That was the case, Narcissa didn't know that Lucius had sent the letter. She didn't want her boy in danger!

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