Yule Ball Dates.

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Gossip reined supreme over the students of Hogwarts as the word spread. It was the topic of every conversation. The Yule Ball! Frantically, students rushed at the opportunity to get their dates first. Hermione made it look like she wasn't bothered and continued to study as usual. In fact, she was extremely excited, and so she should have been, if she knew the amount of people that wished to go with her. They just didn't know how to ask her...

Hermione was sat at the Griffindor table, a quill in her hands as she continued to scribble down the parchment scroll. While she wrote, her other hands traced the line of an open book next to her. She was in deep thought and therefore didn't see the people who were glancing at her discreetly. 

Harry sipped his pumpkin juice quietly and took another piece of toast. He just stared at his best friend from his place opposite her. He knew that Ron, who sat right next to him, would kill him if he tried to ask her to the ball, but he had to admit, he kind of liked her. She was a better choice than anyone else he wouldn't mind bringing. They were friends, meaning they could have an actual conversation while they were at the ball. If he brought Cho Chang, he could imagine the entire evening being in awkward silence. He did like Cho, but it was difficult to have a conversation when you didn't know what the other found interesting. With Hermione, he knew mostly everything about her and he hoped she had some of the same feelings towards her...

Ron tried to busy himself with his toast as he snuck a few glances in her direction. He had always liked Hermione, ever since they had first became friends. She was helpful and always there for him. He had read the Daily Prophet article with her and Harry hugging in the picture, but they both assured him that there was nothing between them. That had been such a relief for Ron, he had always suspected that both him and Harry had been perusing the same girl. Now he knew that wasn't the case, it was his chance to invite her to the dance.

Victor had tried to send her signals ever since he had seen her in the Great Hall on his first day at Hogwarts, but so far, she hadn't joined his posy of screaming fan girls. That just made her seem more attractive to him. He knew that it would be easier for him just to ask one of the girls that followed him to the dance. That would be easier, yes, but Victor Krum loved a challenge. Hermione wasn't like most girls, she was stoic and always took on responsibility. He had seen her blush occasionally at him but she refused to follow him about, although he had taken every opportunity to pass by her side. She would be more difficult to win over, though he had no doubt he would be able to.

Hermione didn't notice the attention she was being given. She was half concentrating on her studies, and half on what she was going to where to the ball when she finally received an invitation. She remembered how much Harry blushed when she had hugged him and she mentally prepared herself for when and if he asked her. She might go with him, she wanted to be able to talk to her partner, they could go as friends. Ron... she sighed quietly as she thought about her emotions towards her best friend. She did like him, she had just never given much thought towards her romantic side, she was too engrossed in her education or helping Harry to fight off something, to think about her personal life. Victor would never ask her. Sure, he had given her the eye and had popped up wherever she was like he had followed her, but he must do that to every girl. She had to admit that if he did ask her, she would find it difficult to say no. 

Someone else slipped into her mind. No, she thought! They are friends, and that was a secret! There is no way he would ever ask her. She knew that if he did, and his father found out, he would likely be disowned, or at least punished. She never really thought it possible that she was thinking about Draco Malfoy as more than a friend, when only a year ago, she had punched him in the face because she thought he deserved it. Now that she knew him, she knew he didn't deserve anything she, Harry and Ron had accused him of. Now that she thought about it... yes! She did want Draco to ask her! 

"Hermione...?" she snapped back into the Great Hall as Harry waved his hand in front of her face.

  "Hum...?" she looked up at him questioningly. 

"You just kind of zoned out, are you ok?" Ron looked at the piece of parchment she had been working on, making her do the same, only to realise she had forgotten to put down her quill.

There were ink splodges all over the page, presumable from when she had zoned out and her quill had dripped ink. That was ok, it was nothing a little charm couldn't fix. Her cheeks flushed red as she remembered who she had been thinking about. She turned around and saw him. His platinum blonde hair peaking through the crowded Great Hall. They locked eyes and he also blushed as she caught him in the act, staring at her. She just went even more pink as she muffled her giggles before gathering her things from the table and making a hasty exit, wanting to find a secluded space to scream with joy.

Draco saw her turn and suddenly, she was staring at him. Oh no, he thought! His pale face finally showed colour as he tried to act innocent. Their eyes met from across the room and he was put at ease by her glowing smile, her own face showing a pink tint. She held back giggles and quickly was scurrying out of the Great Hall.

"What was that about...?" Ron turned to Harry as he watched Hermione's walk turn into an excitable jog.

Ginny cocked an eyebrow as her girl friend skipped out of the doors, her face showing everything. She came up to the Griffindor table and took Hermione's place, a great smile showing on her face as she turned on Ron.

"Good on you, brother!" she beamed, taking her own slice of toast.

"What do you mean...?" he looked to his sister, a puzzled expression crossing his features.

"Hermione!" she squealed, "I didn't think you had the guts to ask her!"

"Ask her what?" he was still in the dark on what Ginny was trying to say.

"Hermione, I saw her running out of the Great Hall with that look. I presumed... Wait, you mean to say you didn't?" she gulped and realised the awkward situation she found herself in.

"I didn't what?!" his voice got louder as he got even more irritated at his sister.

"Oh, well..., you see..." she stuttered, "I saw Hermione and she looked like she was about to cry with joy. What with this Yule Ball going on, I assumed that one of you had asked her. I thought it was you..." she gestured to Ron, who just furrowed his brows in confusion as Harry tried not to blush.

"What look...?" was all he asked.

"You know, THAT look," when Ron didn't get it she sighed and tried to describe it, "She looked like she was about to scream with joy. She was in a hurry, and she was blushing. You know, she looked as though she was in love..."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, jealousy and defeat evident in their eyes. They had until just after Christmas to either win over Hermione or find others to take.


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