The Quidditch World Cup.

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Draco was buzzing with anticipation to see Hermione again. They had wrote to each other nearly everyday. She was staying with the Weasley's for the week so they could take her to the Quidditch World Cup. She wasn't just excited about that, she knew that Draco would be there. Ever since she had gotten that first letter at the start of the holiday, they had started using 'Love from' in their writing. They both didn't know what to make of it yet. That's why they were both excited to be seeing each other...

"Hermione dear, could you wakes the boys up..." she was snapped back to reality by Molly Weasley.

Hermione still couldn't stop thinking about Draco. After all, it would only be a few hours till she saw him. 

She navigated her way around the complex home that was The Burrow. When she finally found Ron's room she peaked in before rushing to Harry's side. He was thrashing about, still asleep. He was having another nightmare. His face was white as paper and he was drenched in sweat. The covers had been scrunched up in his constant moving. She went to his side and shook him awake.

He woke up with a start and put his glasses, "Hermione... Bad dream," was his only answer as she rolled her eyes.

She then turned to look at Ronald before shaking him away as well, "Wake up Ron, your mother says breakfast is ready!" he immediately fell back asleep.


As much as she loved the Weasleys, she wanted to see someone else. She walked out of the tent, leaving them to sort out things they were going to wear to support their teams. She started to walk up and down the rows of tents, looking out for the large black one that Draco told her he would be in. Finally, she saw it!

Draco had been waiting outside for her to show up all morning! When he finally saw her approaching, he had to resist the urge to run up and hug her. The only reason he didn't was because his father came out of the tent.

"Draco, I must speak to the Minister so I will be back later, before the match starts." with that, he swished his cloak and sped off in the direction of the stadium.

Hermione smiled broadly as she came up and stood in front of Draco. He held his hand out and opened up the tent entrance so she could go in. 

When gasped at the sight. She had been shocked when she entered the Weasley's tent, it had been stretched out from the inside to a large comfortable living space for all of them. But the Malfoy tent was even larger, and with much better decor. There was a circular living space, with plush sofas. The coffee table was carved from an expensive mahogany and there was a silver tray on it holding a matching silver tea set. A glass chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling, bathing the place in golden light.

Draco walked past her, chuckling at her open mouth as she marveled at the room. He sat down on one of the cosy sofas, followed by Hermione after she finally got her act together.

"Mother and I have convinced my father to delay my integration to a Deatheater, at least untill I turn sixteen..." He looked at his knees, still bitter that he had barely any control over his own life.

Hermione subconsciously scooted closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder, patting him. He looked up at her sad eyes, a warm smile spreading over his lips.

They talked and talked about what they were most looking forward to in their next year. Hermione told him about their broomstick lessons and how she might be able to finally be fully accepted by all her friends that loved Quidditch. Draco told her about being able to get away from his father, and spending time with her.

"I should get going... Ron will be worrying about me..." She got up and walked over to the tent entrance.

He walked to her side. She blushed a deep pink before she quickly planted a small kiss on his cheek before she scurried out, embarrassed.

Draco turned pink as well. He raised his hand to his cheek, holding it there for ages. He wondered... No, there was no way a girl like Grander liked a boy like Malfoy... Although... Many things had changed between them these last few months...


Hermione! He started to run, unaware of where he was going, the darkness of the woods making it difficult to see. He wasn't alone, everyone had taken to the forest when the fires started. He wasn't worried about himself nor his father, he probably was one of the masked figures anyway, he was scared for Hermione.

"Harry! Come on!" He heard a familiar voice shout right after a figure had fallen on the floor.

"Hermione!" Draco cried, stopping and running over to the figures.

Harry was getting up from the floor and Ron was hunched over, panting. Hermione was helping Harry up when she heard him. Her head snapped up, seeing Draco. He was going to go straight up to her and start helping her, but instead he stopped, pulled his hood over his hair before continuing.

Ron felt someone grab him and pull him along, back to where the flood of people were heading. Hermione helped Harry. Together, they made it to the middle of the forest where everyone was starting to stop.

There attention was suddenly drawn to the sky, where a gigantic greenish symbol started to appear. It started with a skull before a snake started producing from it's mouth, twisting and turning around.

Draco knew what it was. It was the Dark Mark. He felt someone wrap their arms around him and rest their head on his chest. He put his arms around Hermione and hugged her close, wanting to protect her.

When Harry and Ron recovered, Draco reluctantly let go of her and slipped into the croud.

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