Past and Future.

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Hermione giggled as they ran from corridor to corridor, checking round corners playfully. They didn't really need too, the Yule Ball had extended curfew meaning they could stay up well past midnight.

Finally, they found their way up the astronomy tower. Draco placed down the basket he was carrying and sat down with Hermione.

He took out a bottle of butterbeer and two glasses. Handing one to Hermione, he started to pour.

"You didn't have to do this."she smiled up into his silver eyes.

"I know for a fact that the second we step foot in our common rooms, will will be murdered. I just thought that if we can wait them out, wait until everyone else is in bed, then maybe we have a chance to live." He chuckled.

"Yeah... I think Ron might actually kill me..." She admitted, taking a sip of butterbeer.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the weasel." Draco smirked.

Draco had brought up some of his favourite things in the basket for them to past the time with. Exploding Snap. Wizarding Chess. He even had a box of Bertti Botts Every Flavour Beans. He also had his Christmas present, Alice in Wonderland.


"'Who are YOU?' said the Caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, 'I–I hardly know, sir, just at present– at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'" Draco stopped when he looked down at Hermione.

He had been reading to her from the wonderful book she had given him. Though he was reading to her, he was actually reading to himself as well, marveling at how interesting the plot was. A place where up is down and down is up? Amazing!

He put the book down and smiled at the sleeping Griffindor. She had rest her head in his shoulders but when he heard the melodic breathing coming from her, he knew she was sleeping.

He checked his expensive watch before determining it was safe to return to their dorms. Instead of shaking her away or whispering to her, Draco smirked and raised a finger to her nose.

"Boop!" He chuckled as Hermione groaned before her eyes fluttered open.

"What time is it?" She murmured sleepily.

"About time you got to bed..." Draco started to gather up their rubbish in the basket and put the book under his arm before sticking his other arm out for her to take, "Can I walk you to your dorm?" He asked hopefully.

Hermione chuckled, taking his arm, "Yes you may..."



Hermione jumped up with a start, throwing the covers off her in her initial panic. Her hair had gone back to its bushy form and her feet felt extremely sore from all the dancing last night.

"W-what?" She spluttered, looking around at the girls in her dorm that were all glaring at her.

"You know what! Why did you go to the Yule Ball with that ferret?!" Ginny yelled to point at which the entire Griffindor Tower could hear.

"Because he asked me...?" Hermione shrugged sarcastically.

Ginny balled her hands up into fists as she locked a death stare on her best friend. Hermione took this as her cue and hastily pulled on fresh clothes before bolting out the door.


Both Hermione and Draco missed breakfast that morning, not wanting to cause a commotion in the Great Hall. Instead, they both found themselves at the Quidditch Pitch.

As their two player game went on, they lost track of time. It wasn't long before students were filing out of the Great Hall and headed outside to enjoy the snowy landscape. However, most made their way to the Quidditch Pitch as they saw two people in the sky. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Victor were among them.

The two were utterly amazed at how skilled Hermione was in a broom. She cut through the air on her BoltVolt, quaffle in hand.

"You're gonna have to better than that, Malfoy!" She teased as she threw it through one of the hoops with Draco failing to stop it.

"Thanks for the advice, Granger!" He smirked back at her as he dived down to catch the quaffle.

"What does Hermione see in that ferret?" Ron huffed angrily, turning to the others.

They all just shrugged, equally as confused as him. They looked back up at Hermione. She had one of those smiles that just radiated happiness and joy. She genuinely had feeling for the ferret. How could someone make her feel like that when it was virtually impossible for Harry, Ron and Victor to get noticed... There wasn't anything they could say or do to change Hermione's mind.

She lived Draco Malfoy...

The End.

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