Prologue - The Curse

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Swearing because Bakugo exists

No smut, only fluff

Quite a lot of stuff will be changed from the orginal Beauty and the Beast but it's still the same overall plot and story! I really hope y'all enjoy! :)

Once upon a time, a handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle-


Ahem. As I was saying, once upon a time, a handsome-

"Katsuki Bakugo, open this door at once!"

"Make me, you frizzy haired fuck!"

"What did you say about my hair?!"

AHEM. Once upon a time-

"Shut up, no gives a crap about your stupid narration, go away!"

I'm the narrator, this is MY part and you're ruining it!

"I don't care! And I'm not going to that stupid party, so there!"

"Katsuki, put a goddamn suit on and get downstairs. The ladies are waiting."

"I don't wanna pick a wife! They're all ugly and annoying!"

You see, although the prince-

"Oh my god, shut up!"

Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was selfish and unkind and an egotistical little brat and UNWILLING TO LET ME FINISH WITH MY GODDAMN NARRATION WHICH I WORKED VERY HARD ON-

"What's that?!" The prince snapped. "I'll show you selfish and unkind, you creepy, invisible, narrator stalker freak! Alright fine, Mom, I will go but I'm not choosing a wife!"

"As long as you make an appearance, I don't even care anymore."

And so, that was how the young prince found himself sitting on his throne in the ballroom staring at a bunch of simpering girls who all looked like pathetic little weaklings to him. For you see, Katsuki Bakugo didn't understand the whole concept of love and marriage. The idea of someone knowing every single thing about him, all his strengths and weaknesses did not appeal to him in the slightest. And the idea of staying with that person forever, simply terrified him.

The queen suddenly clicked her fingers. "Begin."

On cue, a pretty young girl with black hair and onyx eyes walked up onto the marble podium and a smaller purple haired girl followed her, placing herself at the pipe organ. The two exchanged looks and smiled before the purple haired girl began to play and her friend opened her mouth to sing.

All the girls began to dance. Each one beaming brightly, a spring in her step, eager to be noticed. All their attempts were in vain. For the prince was too busy glaring at no one to pay attention.

"Sit up," his mother hissed from the corner of her mouth.

The prince scowled and slouched further.

She looked positively furious. "Do your rounds."

"No, you old hag."

She looked at him with the eyes of death and fury. "Do. Your. Rounds."

Her look was so terrifying even Bakugo did not dare argue with her.

So, scowling madly, he got up and began to walk around. Each girl's eyes flashed with hope when he crossed her path but the hope was quick to die out as all they got from the young prince was a ferocious glare.

My Little Monster {A KiriBaku Beauty and the Beast AU}Where stories live. Discover now