Chapter 4 - Dinner

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This new cover was drawn by and they didn't have to do it but they did because they're nice and sweet and helpful SO EVERYONE GO FOLLOW

This chapter is brought to you by too many povs

~ Kaminari ~

"Kendo!" A small China blue teacup squealed in excitement, as she hopped down onto the table. "Is there really a boy staying in the castle?!"

The teapot smiled warmly at her. "Yeah, there really is."

Eri's eyes were huge. "Is he gonna break the curse?!"

"Yeah, right," the second teacup snapped. "As if anyone is gonna fall for that monster."

Eri stared at him with huge eyes. "He...he might, Kouta..."

"It's not gonna work and now we'll just have an extra set of dishes to clean," Kouta said sullenly as he jumped down from the shelf and onto the table. "Whoopee."

I stared at him. "Hey, why do you always gotta be so negative, you're a fetus!"

"Shut up, at least I actually do things instead of giving all my work to Iida."

I opened my mouth to argue back but that was kind of true so I just went to sulk Tamaki style in the emo corner.

Kendo just rolled her eyes and smiled gently at Eri. "Don't listen to him, okay? Everything is gonna work out just fine. Leave it all to us."

This seemed to cheer the little teacup up a lot. "What kind of tea does he-"

She was cut off by a loud clatter of cutlery and the master roaring, "SPARKY, YOU'RE DEAD, YOU DUMB SHIT!"

Eri squealed and hide behind a plate resting on the shelf, Iida stiffened, Kendo sighed, Midoriya practically fainted, Uraraka jumped and I would've wet myself if I hadn't been a well, a candlestick.

"You fiend, you've killed us all!" Iida exclaimed, as he chopped his arms. "See?! See, I told you this was a bad idea!"

I tried to sound like the slick n smooth talker that I am. "Okay, okay, okay, okay, let's all just relax and let me do the talking."

As if on cue, Bakugo burst into the kitchen, clearly furious. "You're making him dinner?!"

I lied, you know what, screw this.

I ducked behind the mantle clock. "Well, Iida just thought you might appreciate the company."

"Kaminari!" He exclaimed in a disapproving tone. "Master Bakugo, I just want to assure you that I had no part in this hopeless plan. Letting him out of his cell, preparing a dinner, giving him a suite in the east wing-"

Wrong answer.

Bakugo slammed his fist on the table and roared in his face. "You gave him a bedroom?!"

Iida frantically chopped his arms. "No, no, no! Kaminari gave him a bedroom."

"Okay, okay, okay, so this may be true. But hey, remember the rules of the curse? The author just said that you have to learn to love someone and have them love you in return but she never specified that you had to learn to love a significant other! So, if you could just try be friends with this boy and if he returns the friendship then maybe it'll work because the number one cliche in any anime is the power of love and friendship, you get me? And if that doesn't work, we should sue that midget author and tell her to leave terms and conditions with her curses from now on."

"You know, for once, he does have a point," Kendo said.

"See?! And besides, he's all we've got to break the spell because I don't see anyone else lining up for your love and friendship so you know, maybe you could start by using dinner to get to know him." I then grinned and gave Iida a friendly bonk on the head. "Hey, good thinking, dude."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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