Chapter 3 - Out of the Cell

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^^ Kirishima stop being so fucking cute, do you want your mother to have a heart attack, I love my baby shark too much help

~ Kirishima ~

I woke up to the noise of the cell door opening and I jumped, snapping my tired eyes open. Someone was there.

I leapt up to my feet in panic, all tiredness instantly gone and frantically grabbed the first thing I saw which was a small wooden stool. It wasn't much but hey, I was just so desperate for anything I could use to defend myself with, that I was prepared to use it.

"Forgive my intrusion, sir, but I have come to escort you to your room!"

I frowned. What the what? "M...My room? B-But I thought...

"Oh, what? That "once this door closes it will not open again"?"

I came closer towards the door, towards the shadow of who seemed to be speaking. I stepped out of the cell and what I saw was something I did not expect.

The golden candlestick from earlier...swinging on the lever.


It was alive.

I dropped the stool, completely numb with shock.

The candlestick didn't seem to notice how stunned I was because he just gave me a sympathetic look, shrugging with his free hand...wait, I mean his free...candle? "Ugh, I know," he grinned, shaking his head. "He gets so dramatic."

I stared at him as he swung off the lever and jumped onto the floor. "Wh...what are you?"

He grinned, giving a little bow. "Denki Kaminari at your service."

I continued to ogle at him. " can talk?"

"Well, of course he can talk!" A second voice said in a scolding and disapproving tone. "It's all he ever does."

I whipped my head around to see the clock from earlier, walking over towards us and chopping his arm in the candlestick's direction. "Now, Kaminari, as head of the household, I demand that you put him back in his cell at once!"

Kaminari sighed, folding his arms or candlestick arm thingies. "Come on, Iida, it's so boring around here these days, can't we just try?"

"Don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes, I know that when we get caught, you'll blame this all on me!"

"What is going on?" I breathed to myself, clutching the wall.

Kaminari waved my question away with his hand- I mean, candle. "Don't you worry about it, he's just really uptight, always chopping his arms up and down and up and down and yelling."

"I can hear you, you know!"

Kaminari ignored him. "Ready to go?"

He and the clock began to walk away, leaving me with no choice but to follow. I didn't know what the heck was happening but I did understan that these...talking household objects, as strange as that sounds, knew more than I did about this place and seemed to know the creature from earlier so going along with them seemed like a much smarter option then staying locked in that cell with no clear ways of escaping.

So that's why I followed.

"So, yeah, sorry if I scared you earlier," Kaminari said with a grin as he walked along, me a few steps behind and Iida a few steps ahead. "That must've been confusing for you, I just forget sometimes that we must seem pretty weird to most people. But consider me at your service. This castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you like! Except the west wing because that's-"

My Little Monster {A KiriBaku Beauty and the Beast AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora