Part Eight - Birthday Morning

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Scribbling this down now. Just because it has been a while and I meant to update my diary sooner. Here we go. So it was my birthday recently, and things got a little out of hand, and I can't say I'm proud of myself so I have to vent somewhere. 

Firstly, I haven't heard anything weird since the note I read at the zoo, I'm not sure if it was just me finding something strange that wasn't meant for me or something. But I am sure about one thing. Helen is a secret party animal. She is also the first person I told about how I used to be a boy. Although she thinks I am crazy as everything about me is female, and that there is no signs that I was ever a boy at all. So I don't exactly know how to feel about that but I need to at least recount what happened that day. 

I was sat in my room in the big house I now call home, knowing that there is an ever roaming presence of a person pretending to me my mother. Bleh. She was the worst, is the worst I should say. Actually. I don't know what to think of her now. It's so confusing. But I blame the fact that she has taken every length to try and let me enjoy myself this summer break. Treating me of course like I am still her "daughter". But I feel like. I'm starting to not mind it as much?

Maybe future me will read this and think I've gone mad. I sure do feel like I have. 

Anyway, so I was sat on my bed listening to some of the new vinyl re-issues that 'mum' got me. It was I think the Thriller album by Michael Jackson. When she knocked at the door.

"Amy, sweetie are you alright in there. I haven't seen you all day?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I responded.

"Have I done something wrong? It's just... You've been ever so quiet since I picked you up from the school. Can I come in?"


I laid back on the bed, grabbing and putting a pillow over my face as she entered and came over, sitting on the edge of the bed.  I didn't want to talk to her, and I wanted her to know as much.

She began to talk, much to my clear protest of hiding from her.

"You are a grown young woman now and I wanted you to have a good day today."

From under the pillow I replied in my muffled tone with;

"You got me presents, thanks. But I am still angry at you, I miss my-"

She interrupted me, but not in an aggressive way. In a gentle way to steer the subject. 

"-father? Yes I am well aware. But as you know he is a very busy man and you need to deal with the fact that he is not going to be back, probably for quite a long time. But for today, your special day. I wanted to do something that might help. How does that sound?"

I was struggling to breathe under the pillow and my face was getting hot anyway so I removed the pillow from my face and turned my face towards her. 

"What have you done this time?" I said, in quite frankly a not very polite way. As she addressed me in return.

"There is no need for tone young lady. I have something to show you and it is your responsibility to follow me into my room." 

She walked over to the door and ushered me up from the bed with her hand. I rolled my eyes at her and got up. I slipped on my fluffy blue slippers and followed her across the landing overlooking the huge space and into her room.

For context, this lady had never *ever* let me into her room, I don't know why but this place was sacred to her or something. Look at me flexing my new vocab from school. Anyways this was a big deal, but what she had for me next was even bigger. 

I followed her into her room, it was a modest size considering the scale of everything else in  the house but she led me over to her bed that was in the centre of the room and a present awaited me, it wasn't too small which made me worry. But as she watched me with eyes like a hawk, eager for my reaction, something stirred inside me. Like a feeling of excitement and curiosity. Like a Christmas present. It stared at me, with it's pink, silver and red reflective wrapping and it screamed to me to open it. So I did, and unsurprisingly it was a box. But this box had a lid. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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