chapter 9

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Unknown POV.

"Excuse me. Master ? We got her but-"

"But what ?"

"We have to bring the boy too. She fought for him and refuses to move herself."

That girl will be hard work. But the boy ? Why would be with him. She belongs to me and only me.

Summers POV.

No i wasent scared of alot of things. But when im in a unknown place and someone here has anger issues im scared as hell.

I grabbed Matts hand when i heard heavy footsteps coming down to us. I hate him alright so you know I could use him as a shield.

Matt-" We'll be okay."

We will yea. No way we are going to run through these human trees.

Soon a figuer appeared infront of us. Man in about hes 20s. Broad shoulders, sharp jawline, dark brown hair. I would say he was good looking but hes going to kill so no.

Anyone could be afraid of him. But hey i think its a good time to play a sarcastic bitch. I always pick it at good moments.

Summer-" Who the f*ck are you ?"

I could feel Matt squeezing my hand tighter. The guy noticed and well.. atleased from my point of view he seemed to get angry ? What the hell like ?

Summer-" Okay. I'll ask again. Who. The hell. Are you ?"

He continued to stare at me. But instead of having a deadly scary stare a smirk plastered on hes face. But he simply turned around and started walking away.

"We will show you your room."

Summer-" What about Matt ?"

"Hes going into the cellars."

The two men chuckled. Oh so i get a room and he gets locked up like an animal ?

Summer-" No. He doesnt. He stays in my room or Im going into the cellars."

I guess that shocked them. But like what do you expect really.

"He cannot stay in a room with you."

Summer-" Fine. Show us our cell."

They did as i said and took us to the cellar. Cold, damp and dark. Soon enough i was shivering like a dog that just came from the bath.

Matt-" Come here."

I scootched over towards him and sat between hes legs. Wrapping hes arms around me trying to make me warmer. To be honest my body was quite tensed for awhile. I mean its quite awkward. But whatever i was beyond tired so screw this.

I fully leaned back into hes chest lying my head down.

Do not trust everyone you meet. Be careful around new people and your surroundings.

Tell me where she is ! If you do not tell me where she is you will pay.

Fine. Have it your way.

Matt-" Wake up ! Summer wake up it was just a dream."

I shot up, sweating like crazy. Same nightmare for years. 10 to be specific. Matts eyes were filled with worry. I scrunched up my face and moved away from him.

Unknown POV.

"Sir ?"

"Is she settled in her room ?"

"Am.. about that. She refused to leave the boy alone in the cells so... She was put in with him."

I could feel the heat rise inside me. How dare she ! She should not be in the same cell as him !

Clentching my fists i tried calming down. But it was impossible.

I opened the balcony and jumped out.

Im sorry this chapter is short ! But i wanted ye guys to get a chapter today so i managed to put something together :)

Me and My stupid Mistakes. Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now