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The [choose age] year old [Name] got up a few minutes earlier than usual to shower, dress, have breakfast and prepare her stuff to leave as early as she can to get out of her place at aproximatively half past eight in the morning

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The [choose age] year old [Name] got up a few minutes earlier than usual to shower, dress, have breakfast and prepare her stuff to leave as early as she can to get out of her place at aproximatively half past eight in the morning. Addorning her shoes and her outfit of the day, she picks up her keys, sticks a slice of bread in her mouth and speedwalks towards her front door.

When she steps foot on her doorstep and is about to shove her key into the keyhole of her door, the bell rings. [Name] freezes on spot and remains immobile for a short moment. She silently makes her way to the nearest window viewing on the street of the front door of the flat and peeks past the curtains. As feared, two tall figures stand there, clad in blue. 

[Name] jumps back and stomps her foot on the ground, whispering a string of curses to herself. When the sound of the door being unlocked, followed by approaching steps invades her ears, she stands straight and holds in her breath.

Who is the motherfucker that let them in?

There's a knock on her door. She panicks and muffles her yelp of surprise at best.

"Miss [Last Name]. This is the police." A heavy voice calls. "We'd like to step in and have a discussion with you."

Silence. The girl is too scared to move in fear of making any noice.

The man clears his throat and speaks up again, his voice a bit more gentle sounding now. "We've seen you peek through your curtains. We know that you are present and hearing us."

The girl drops her shoulders and deadpans. She drags her feet towards her door and reluctantly unlocks it. She swings the door open and unwillingly gives both officers a resting bitch face. Her face blanches when one of them turns out to be none but the brunet.

In a panick, she slams the door closed in their faces and drops her head. She inhales and exhales loudly.

... What are the odds, huh.

She looks up and flashes her ceilling both of her middle fingers.

Fuck you very much, God.

There's a hum errupting from behind the door, followed by a rather heavy and violent knock that makes the girl jump.

"Open up, Miss."

With a sigh, she slowly pulls the door open, then stops when the gap is big enough for her to fit her head through. She gives both men an awkward smile.

"... Hello, can I help you?"

"Yes, we'd like to have a chat with you," The older officer speaks, his chest puffed out. "if you'd let us..."

"Oh, yes of course." She smiles politely. A moment of silence passes where all three adults look at one another. [Name] briefly glances at the brunet, finding him pull his hat down a little and look away.

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