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It's starting to get dark outside

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It's starting to get dark outside. [Name] is headed to her appartment, alongside her neighbour Tsuburaba and his best friend. At some point, she can't exactly remember when, the caramel haired male suggested to drag her two six packs of beer to the appartment and he's now still holding onto both, which leaves the bag with suchis and the magazine to the shaggy brown haired male to drag.

The walk from the store to the flat has proceeded with few chats, mainly, if not only, initiated by Tsuburaba, thus far. The male skillfully switched from one topic to another to avoid as much blank moments as possible. The girl can't help but feel a little bad for not being too talkative, though it doesn't seem like Tsuburaba minds it, he rather appears to like it.

The trio arrives in front of the door. The girl's constant thoughts are wether she should make a run for it now, only to then judge it to be too late to go back. Tsuburaba pulls his key out and insterts it in the keyhole. He twists it and unlocks his front door with ease. He takes a step back and motions to his small flat with a smile.

"Ladies first."

Reluctantly, the [choose hair colour]ette steps forth and enters his space with a forced smile. Soon, the two boys step in as well, and the caramel haired man locks the front door. He then puts down the beers and takes off his shoes. Seeing as the dark brown haired male is doing that as well, she copies them.

Once his shoes are off, Tsuburaba picks up the beers and breezes past Kaibara and [Name].

"Can you give me the bag? I'll leave it in the kitchen for later."

Kaibara shakes his head and snatches the packs of beer from his friend's hands. "I'll do it."

A bit surprised, Tsuburaba easily complies wiht a shrug. "... Alright."

The boy with oval shaped oculars turns to the young woman with a smile. "Come, I'll show you around."

[Name] hugs her bag close to her chest and slowly nods her head yes. Tsuburaba's smile widens and he walks deeper in his flat. He takes a turn and the girl follows him into the room.

"First, this is the living room."

[Name] briefly glances around. She notices that his living room is similar to her in size, and they both have a direct access to the kitchen in common. There's no table to eat on, aside from the low table placed by the small couch at the far left. The living room is, much in contrary to what she had expected despite not knowing him that well, clean and tidy.

"And thats, is the kitchen."

Both have a view on the kitchen from where they stand. They can see Kaibara put the cans of beer in the refregirator one by one. [Name] isn't the only one to notice how he's taking his sweet time putting away the beer, but Tsubuarab doesn't dwell on it and leaves it be.

Tsuburaba swivels around and walks out of the living room. [Name] follows him into the next room. tsuburaba stops in front of the door and slowly pushes it open. "Uh, don't mind the mess, okay?"

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