it'd be different

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I wondered if it would be different.

I wondered if you would change.

I wondered if you would listen.

I wondered every day.

I know.

I know that you feel second.

I know that you have an opinion.

Some people can't communicate the way you do.

Some people just have a hard time.

You might wonder why.

I wondered.

I wondered why you only heard.

I wondered why you only complained.

I wondered why you couldn't just speak like others had feelings too.

I understood.

I understood every part of the situation.

Did you?

I wondered.

I knew.

I understood.

I tried.

I know you have a hard time.

I know you're stressed,

I know you have a lot going on.

That we're just one more thing.

I hope we're one of the most important things.

Because we're people.

We count more than money.

We count more than reputation.

We count more than things.

I don't know if you saw it from my perspective,

But I saw it from yours.

So for me to say something,

Showing that I was mad,

Was a big step.

I don't hate you though,

I don't want to treat you like you're second.

I just have a lot going on too.

And I know you count more than money.

I know you count more than time.

I know you count more than reputation.

I know you count more than things.

I know you wonder,

I know you care,

I wonder.

I care.

So I just wanted to say,

I know you are there.

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