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"Then I was like, dude get your dick cheese away from me." Jungkook said taking a sip of his Coca Cola Hoseok giving him a dirty look for it. Stupid bunny boy, we all know Sprite is superior.

Namjoon gave the younger a look of disgust "Why the fuck is dick cheese a thing?" He then pushed his food away no longer having the appetite to finish.

Taehyung shrugged "Haven't we all learned not to question humanity anymore since it's a waste of time." The silver haired male then took Namjoon's unfinished meal and ate it. Wasting food is bad.

"My question is why were you talking to someone who sells dick cheese?" Hoseok questioned wondering why he was even friends with these people when they've spent the last 20 minutes talking about this.

Jungkook just shrugged taking a sip of his drink again. By know they should already know not to question the younger and his poor life decisions.

"Joy you're looking rather gorgeous today, did you get new earrings?" Hoseok heard from the next table and rolled his eyes. Its Prince Charming back at it again trying to get another girl for his fan club. Honestly the older made Hoseok sick to his stomach with all his romeo crap.

Hoseok turns to the pair and all the girls awing at them wishing to get their time with older. Joy blushed a deep red brushing back some of her long raven hair behind her ear to show her earrings off "Y-yeah I did I cant believe you noticed."

Jin gripped her chin gently with his thumb and pointer finger "When it comes to you I cant help but notice the slightest details." Joy giggled as the  other girls fangirls over the sight some even complaining how it was their turn.

Kim Seokjin is the Charmer of the school making all the girls swoon over his good looks and broad shoulders. His dad a owner of a large Hotel company.

The two's 'special' moment was interrupted by Hoseok putting his finger in his mouth and making an obnoxious hurling noise making the guys at his table laugh.

Jin's table rolled their eyes at Hoseok upset that he ruined the moment. Joy pouted slightly and he earned a death glare from Jin "Child." He scoffed and went to cheer Joy up again.

Child. Was that the best THE Kim Seokjin could do. Hoseok really just wants to get a rise out of the male since the three years that hes know Jin for the man always keeps him cool.

Namjoon glared at Hoseok once the oranged hair male turned around "Just let the guy be, he's not hurting you."

"But hes annoying with his stupid sweet talk." Hoseok said grabbing one of Jungkook's carrots making him pout slightly.

"You're just upset that he gets all the girls and there's none left for you." Taehyung said earning a swift lap to the back of the head by Namjoon.

Namjoon sighed "He's just in a different world then us but that doesnt mean we have to be rude." Namjoon has always been the voice of reason, the leader of the group. He always takes care of anyone and 99.99% of the time he is right.

"Yes father." Jungkook jokes cracking his signature bunny smile that always makes him look so innocent even though that boy hasnt been innocent a day in his life. His big doe eyes also dont help either.

Hoseok decided not to put up a fight against Namjoon since hed only feel out smarter by the end of the conversation "By the way I do get girls, why do you think I was late for lunch?" He said.

"I dont know, shoving a hot pink dildo up your ass." Taehyung said shrugging his shoulders.

"No that's gay." Hoseok shot back "I was with Lisa she let me hit it from behind." Hoseok smirked earning a high five from Jungkook.

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