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As the short pink haired male ordered his food and sat down Hoseok and his group just stared silently. Jimin fixed his pink skater skirt as he sat down peacefully digging into his fries.

"Dont you think it's a bit weird?" Jungkook asked the group in a whisper "He wears girl clothes and makeup."

"All though it's a bit out of the norm it's none of our business." Namjoon said drinking his soda.

Park Jimin was the laughing stalk of their school. He was opening gay and dresses up like a girl so its obvious that he didnt have friends. He always sat alone and ate alone Hoseok felt sorry for the kid. "It kind of makes me feel uncomfortable." Taehyung said shifting in his chair. The whole group was eyeing the small boy as he ate contently.

"Yeah it's weird but we arnt gonna say anything about it." Namjoon said "We aren't Jackson's group." Jackson and his group are a bunch of assholes picking on every kid that walks by and Jimin gets the worse of it.

But the group continued to stare as if Jimin were an exhibit at a zoo. Jimin felt them staring so he looked up from his food and at the group. They all quickly looked away and Jimin stared to pout looking lonely. All he ever feels like is a freak show with people constantly staring, dont get him wrong he likes the attention but the bullying gets to be too much.

The group felt awkward after that they had been caught peeking. Yoongi then flags down the waiter "Can you bring a strawberry milkshake with extra whip cream and two cherry to that boy over there." He said handing here a ten dollar bill.

"That's a boy." The lady made a face of disgust. Yoongu gave her the death glare and she hurried to take the money and put in the order.

Once he was done the whole group looked at him weirdly "I feel bad he must feel like a freak." The nodded still a bit skeptical but it made sense.

Then the waiter brought out the milkshake and gave it to Jimin who's eyes light up with excitement and happiness. "From the group over there." She said. Jimin smiled at them warmly then took a big sip of his drink.

"When did you get soft Yoongi?" Hoseok teased tickling the older a bit.

After a couple of minutes the door opened again and in walked someone unexpected, Kim Seokjin.

He strutted his long legs over to where Jimin was sitting. The group watched them, things were getting interesting "Jinnie hyung!" Jimin sang giving Jin a big hug.

Jin smiled sweetly "Jimin you surely dressed up havent you." Jimin blushed and the waitress took Jin's order semi flirting with him but was shut down by Jimin giving her the death glare.

"So what do I own the honor of meeting with you today?" Jin asked waiting for their food.

Taehyung slurping up his soda loudly only to be scolded by the group "We're trying to listen this is getting good." Jungkook said Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Why is he with Jimin? Are they on a date? Is Jin gay?" Hoseok asked only to be shushed by the group.

"Can't I just want to hangout with my favorite hyung?" Jimin said batting his eyelashes as he took a sip of the milkshake Yoongi bought him.

Jin sighed loudly "Jimin although I am flattered that such a beautiful creature like you wants to spend time with me I want to let you know that I am in no way looking to be involved with a male in a certain manner." Jin said delicately.

Jimin pouted "Not even the slightest bit curious?" He asked looking hopeful.

"Not even slightly, I'm sorry but I'm sure you will find a wonderful man to love you better than I can." Jin said.

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