Chapter 50 || He is the Boss

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My mind was blank as I stare at the wall of my apartment, thinking about what happens now.  I might be stupid to even have second thoughts now that Mark already have left. It doesn't matter to anyone what I want, anyway. I glanced at my friends who are sitting across the table. They were looking at me with pity."Okay, why are you all looking at me like that?." I asked, raising my hands up.

Yura shrugged her shoulders."You did the right thing, sweetie." She said in a sad tone. 

"I told you, I am fine." I said, reassuring them both, then I glanced at Taehyung."Oh my god, not you too."

I couldn't take it any longer and stood up from my chair then flopped on my bed, face first."We are just concerned. And, I don't think you could go on without us." Yura said.

"You mean, I could move on faster without anyone babysitting me." I replied, turning my head to the side. She stared at me with an eyebrow raised. "Okay, maybe not."

Yura sat on my bed with her arms crossed."How about we go and find a nice jjimjilbang?" She asked. I sat up and thought of a perfect time to relax."Come on, you haven't left this apartment for a week."

I walked passed by Yura and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water."I guess." I said, glancing at Yura."Taehyung is coming as well? Because -"

Our heads turned to Taehyung who was already sleeping on the couch with a pillow on his face."Hey, we are going to leave you." Yura said, kicking the sofa."One, two, three, four, fi-"

He immediately sat up which results, falling to the ground."Was I sleeping?" He asked Yura with a yawn. 

"No, you were awake."


"You were." Yura said, rolling her eyes as she walked towards the door to put her shoes on. He was clueless of what was happening and then looked at me.

"It wasn't that long." I told him, then stretched my hand out to him which he grabbed and stood up."Sorry for interrupting your nap. Do you want to go to the sauna with us?"

We both nodded at each other then laughed."You are actually laughing." Taehyung stated, pointing his finger at me. I pressed my lips into a thin line,"Why are you hiding it?" He asked.

Taehyung grabbed my arm, begging me to laugh once more. I shook my head and tried to escape his grip."Yura, let's go!" I shouted before running towards him.

"What are you doing?" Yura asked at him with her arms crossed. He shook his head then put his shoes on, too. I hid my smile as I watched them fighting."What were you doing just now? Face me!"

Taehyung groaned."You are annoying, sometimes."He said, grabbing the door knob and then opened it for me. I left my apartment, waiting for the both of them to get out as well."Whose idea is this?"

"I did, got a problem with it?" Yura asked.

"To you, to be honest." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

I sighed and didn't mind them at all anymore. I walked as I checked my phone for no apparent reason. it became a habit, actually. I looked back to see Yura and Taehyung fighting like cats and dogs again.

To be honest, my mind was having a lot of thoughts about another thing also. About how I felt someone watching me from a distance when I always go out."Chorong!" I heard someone shouted, before I bumped into a laundry cart.

Luckily, the impact wasn't that strong. I groaned in pain as I felt it on my leg. The lady bowed to then apologized to what happened. "I am sorry for not paying attetion." I apologized as well since I did wrong, too.

Taehyung and Yura run beside me, apologizing to the lady as well."Are you okay?" They both asked me in unison. I nodded, smiling a bit."What were you even thinking about? There is no way a person couldn't see that running." Yura stated.

I sighed."I don't know."

"Be careful." Yura said, walking ahead of us.

Taehyung smiled at me."She is always like that." He said which is true. We reached Yura's car at the parking lot and hopped in it. Me at the backseat while Taehyung with Yura in the front.


Yura, Taehyung and I changed into an outfit suited for the co-ed sauna. We put t-shirts and shorts on, before going in."I am going for the snacks, first." Taehyung said before going straight to the snack corner.

I giggled."One might think he only came here for the food." I said.

"He really did." Yura replied, shrugging.

I looked around and saw a lot of people enjoying their time here, then made up mind. Yura went after Taehyung, who was already holding a variety of foods. He placed them on the floor and sat, crossing his legs." I'll go in the kiln." I said.

"Want me to join you?" Yura glanced at me, then asked. I shook my head, telling her that I wanted to enjoy my time alone."And, what? Cry by yourself? Thinking about how pitiful you are. Not a chance, honey."

I saw Taehyung grabbed her hand, giving her the 'stop talking' look."Maybe, but will I get any better with your comments about everything I do?" I asked, a bit pissed off then walked away from them.

Well, I actually meant that but I didn't mean to tell it aloud. I went inside and seem there is also another old lady with me. I sat and tied two knots on the ends of the towel then placed it on my head.

It was very hot inside. I guess you could say, I was like inside a microwave but the difference is, I am getting cooked. I am sweating very much."Why did you come here?" The old lady asked.

I was surprised that she talked to me."Oh, I just wanted to relax, that's all." I said, smiling at her. She nodded, smiling back as well. I saw her closed her eyes as she continued her meditation of some sort."How about you?"

"I couldn't do anything for myself and stayed in a circle where everyone was not able to go inside but I realized that everything happens for a reason. That's why I am here." was what she said to me, still her eyes closed. I just nodded, ignoring her to leave her at peace. I wanted to do the same, anyway.

As soon as I was done, I left the kiln and went to where my friends are. I stopped my tracks as I saw them, holding each other's hands. I smiled at the both of them. I always thought that they'll find a way to get to that stage, anyway.

Leaving without a word, I went to find a taxi at the side of the road. I shrugged as another one passes by me when it clearly doesn't have any passenger."You want me to help you? I know where you could find one, easier." A guy asked.

I noticed how shady he looks with his clothes and smile, I knew I needed to escape. I bowed my head."Sorry, I was waiting for my brother to pick me up." I said, walking away from him.

I hear his footsteps behind me, still. I walked faster and faster as I felt his presence behind me."No way." I muttered, seeing a dead end. I slowly turned around to see this guy with a gun.

"Wake up, Park Chorong." I heard him whisper before pulling the trigger.

I screamed as I opened my eyes. I was drenched with sweat and I couldn't move at all from shock. I was holding onto the sheets as I find my breath then looked around the room I was in."Chorong." Everyone was in the room except for Mark.

He is The Boss || MarkrongWhere stories live. Discover now