Chapter Two

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"Cut" the director shouted. A horde of stylist came up to me and tried to apply powder, I pushed them aside. When they still didn't stop, I gave them an annoyed look and they disappeared. A girl came to my site. I had to smile, Ha Ji Won was a young woman with medium-length dark brown hair, a fair skin type and one of the most famous models of the industry. "How is it going so far?" she asked after hugging me tightly. "Well...", my smile disappeared. Hoseok walked up to us and hugged Ji won quickly. "How was it in Milan?", Hoseok changed the subject to distract from the fact that I hadn't found anyone yet. Ji won told us about the runways she had walked, the dresses she had been given and the many talented people, I sighed. "See these?", she brushed her hair behind her ears and leaned forward. She lifted her earring so that we could see it better. Hoseok kept his breath away. "It's fantastic", he carefully touched the dark blue stone held by a silver frame. I just shrugged my shoulders. It was an expensive piece, that had been copied too often in the mainstream. I didn't listen until Ji Won said: "Original from the first collection."

"5 minutes warning", shouted the director.


The bus finally drove around the corner of the block, I lifted my backpack from the ground and shouldered it. The bus stopped in front of me, with a jerk the doors opened and two people got out. A wind blew me in the back as if they wanted to push me extra on the car as if I had made the right decision. I got into the bus, my gaze wandered over the seats until I saw on one of the rear ones, in front of it sat an elderly man who didn't pay attention to me even as I walked past him to sit. With a relieved sigh I settled down and parked my backpack next to me. The bus started to tremble and I could hear the engine running. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, my headphones were messed up which is why I tore them annoyed apart. I plugged it in and scrolled through my music to stop at the end with my favorite song. I turned it and leaned back on my seat. The calm song made my nervousness disappear. But I was still not sure if it was really a good idea. I trusted Jimin and everything, but still, I had this bad feeling in my stomach.Will I really be able to do that, will I really be able to live my dream of being a model?

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