Chapter Four

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"You don't honestly think that the three models are enough?", asked Hoseok and scratched the back of his head. "Of course not... but what am I supposed to do? I can't start a new casting. This stupid campaign has to be released within the next six months and we are just getting started. We've only been partnering with people so far and never set our own tone or standards.", someone cleared his throat, I turned around to see Ji Won smiling at me. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation... and I might have a solution." She smiled widely. "In what way?" Hoseok leaned over his stuff, Ji Won raised her eyebrow in amusement. "Well... Tae, I'm sure you remember that program I told you about, ...", She laughed suspiciously. I shook my head, "Nothing I can think of.", Hoseok had to hold back a chuckle. Ji Won crossed her arms, " Well... when I was in Paris we talked on the phone for a while...", She looked at me with expectation, 'as if I remembered'. "And?", "And? I told you that my management...", And again she stopped the sentence. "Ji Won, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Ji Won stomped annoyed up. "I told you, my manager knew someone who trains young models. And he wanted me to talk to them so they are sure what is coming up! I rejected them. But of course, I can call again and get them all here." Hope clapped his hands, "Tae this is the solution! Please, let's do that?", "I don't know... let me think about that again... Yes?". Ji Won and Hope exchanged looks. "Sure thing, boss.", they buzzed. 'Cringe', I thought. And so I packed up my things and left the hall.


"Excuse me?", Jimin pulled at the sleeve of one of the bouncers in front of the VFA Building. "Yeah?" murmured the guy. He was broadly built and towered over us by about two heads. "We're here for the audition.", Jimin smiled widely. "Sorry, boys I can't let anyone in anymore.", He looked down at us. My heart started beating hard against my chest and I wanted to cry again. " You know...", Jimin fiddled around in his pocket and then pulled out his wallet. " My name is Park Jimin and I work with Mr. Kim Taehyung. So now you're gonna let me go in there and my friend here, too!".

The doorman laughs, "And my name is Cho Beom-Seok and Mr. Kim is my employer, who has said that from 6 PM to 11 AM no one is allowed into this building!", The man pointed in the direction from which we came. I could see Jimin turning red in rage. "Please, or I'll have to call somebody.", He tried to be frightening, but the doorman just laughs out loud. "Sure, go ahead, please!".

But my best friend didn't seem satisfied. Angrily grumbling, he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. "This is going to be hard... but I' m calling Yoongi!", he grumbled. I faltered. Yoongi was Jimin's ex or not ex, their relationship status wasn't quite clear to me. But one thing was for sure, they were fighting at the moment. Which is why Jimin had settled down with a friend that we both knew and explained that he would never talk to Yonngi again.

"You there", he pointed to the doorman, "Last chance", The guy just shrugged his shoulders. Jimin sharply sucked in the air, then he dialed his (ex?)boyfriend's number.

"Hey!", He greeted him, the other line seemed to be silent."Honey?", He asked. And now I heard a murmur that I didn't understand.


"No...not for me."

"We need your help... who?... Kookie... Yeah, I told you about it...Yes"

Jimin looked down in embarrassment."Please...just his number."

I didn't understand what they were discussing exactly, but after maybe a minute of conversation Jimin suddenly jumped up and down. "Thank you, you are a sweetheart!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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